Law 1 - AIS Flashcards
Standards: Necessary or Desirable?
Recommended practices: Necessary or Desirable?
What is the purpose of AIS? (1)
To ensure the flow of aeronautical data is safe & regulated from:
Corrupt / erroreous / late / missing auronautical data from possible affecting the safety of air navigation
What are the functions of AIS? (7)
Collect / collate / edit / disseminate aeronautical information, including:
Aircraft operators
Flying clubs
Other aviation organisations
What does AIS rely on? (1)
Accurate raw data
What aeronautical products contain aeronautical information? (5)
AIP (Inc. Ammendments & Supplements)
Aeronautical charts
Digital data sets
AIS Organisational structure diagram
What is the INO? (1)
International Notam Office
What are the main functions of the INO? (3)
Prep & issue of civil / Mil NOTAMs via AMHS
Receiving & Transmitting info from/to international NOTAM offices
Dissemination of AIS dats to enable production of PIBs
What does PIB stand for? (1)
Pre-flight Information Bulletins
What does AMHS stand for? (1)
Air Traffic Services (ATS) Message Handling System
What is a NOTAM? (1)
Notice to Airmen
Information of a temporary nature & short duration or significant permanent or temporary changes of a long duration made at short notice
What are the NOTAM series available? (5)
Series A - General, enroute, UIR airspace, major international AD’s
Series B - FIR airspace restrictions, International AD’s where IFR flights are permitted
Series C - VFR Only international AD’s
Series D - National AD’s
Series E - Heliports
What are the 3 NOTAM types? (3)
NOTAMN - New info
NOTAMR - Replaces previous NOTAM
NOTAMC - Cancels previous NOTAM
What is a PIB? (4)
Edited version of NOTAM - In plain language
Covers first leg of flight
Distributed to airfields by AMHS
Duplicated at airfields to allow collections by pilots
What comprises our AIP? (2)
(Together with NOTAMs) comprise
our notified documents
Transposes the SARPs within annexes into National procedures
What are the three AIP Components? (3)
PART 1 – GEN General
PART 2 – ENR En-Route
PART 3 – AD Aerodromes (specific)
What does the PART 1 - GEN General section contain? (13)
Contents + Record of Amendments + Supplements
Details of National Regulations + Requirements
National Regulations
Differences from ICAO
Tables, Codes and Time System
Location Indicators
Sunset + Sunrise Times
Details of services available
Search + Rescue
What does the PART 2 – ENR En-Route section contain? (5)
Differences to national Regs & ICAO SARPs & procedures (Detailed in GEN 1.7):
General Rules and Procedures
ATS Airspace
Radio Navigation Aids/Systems
Navigation Warnings
Where are differences to national Regs & ICAO SARPs & procedures detailed in? (1)
GEN 1.7
What does the PART 3 – PART 3 – AD Aerodromes section contain? (7)
Aerodrome/Heliport Introduction
Location Indicators
Geographical & administrative
General detail including airspace, ATS, SAR and AIDS
Heliports (Same organisation as for aerodromes)
What is the Static Data Office? (1)
AIP Publications department
What does the Static Data Office do? (3)
Maintains records of all aviation facilities in order to prepare the integrated Aeronautical Information Package consisting of:
AIP and amendment service (AIRAC/Non-AIRAC permanent changes)
(Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control)
AIP supplements
AIC (Aeronautical Information Circulars)
Does the AIS originate the information contained in the AIP? Yes or No
NO - Collates & publishes it on behalf of the sponsor
What ICAO annex is Aeronautical Information Service (AIS)? (1)
Annex 15
What does the EU conform to with differences in procedures? (2)
Annexes 1,2,11
Doc 4444 PANS-ATM
Regional Supplementary Procedures
What does ammendments to AIP contain? (3)
Permanent changes
May contain AIRAC / Non-AIRAC changes
Published every 28 days
What changes may be included on an AIRAC cycle? (4)
Changes to local systems
Verification & correction
AIRAC cycle timeline diagram
How is the Published AIP Management Service made available by? (1)
European AIS Database