Laud's policies and religious uniformity, 1625-40 Flashcards
Arminian theology was offensive to Puritans as it threatened the rights of the individual to…
a direct relationship with God.
How did the Arminian Richard Montagu offend parliament?
In 1624 he published an attack on Calvanist doctrine entitled, “A New Gag for an Old Goose”.
What happened to Richard Montagu when he published an attack on Calvanist doctrine?
Complaints were made against him in the 1625 parliament, and Charles took him under his protection with a place at Court.
What happened to Richard Montagu when he published an attack on Calvanist doctrine?
Complaints were made against him in the 1625 parliament, and Charles took him under his protection with a place at Court.
Having dissolved the… parliament, Charles issued…
a proclamation that forbade the public discussion of sensitive religious doctrine.
Having dissolved the 1626 parliament, Charles forbade the public discussion of sensitive religious doctrine. This was widely interpreted as…
a restriction on preaching (that would affect Calvanists and other Protestants more than Arminians who favoured formal prayers and ritualised reponses).
The programme of reform in Church… a large section of the population.
The situation of Laudian reform was exacerbated by the existence of an actively…
Catholic queen.
The Changes that Laud and Charles were making in the… raised fears that they might be… and that even if not, they were making…
Catholic in belief
the Church of England an institution where Catholics could find a place and work towards further change
Dissenting ministers could be… and could also be punished by…
summoned before Church Courts
the Star Chamber
Give an example of a dissenting minister who was punished by the Star Chamber.
John Bastwick, who published a satirical Littany that criticised Laud and others.
Organs were installed in the churches. Why did this cause discontent?
Puritans believed music distracted the congregation from prayer and bible study.
The Communion table was removed from the centre of the Congregation to the east side of the Church, where…
the Catholic Altar had always stood.
Protected by a… and… , the new Communion table symbolised the growing… .
glass rood
richly ornamented
differentiation of clergy from laity.
The moving of the Communion table to the east side of the Church shifted the emphasis of communion service. In what way?
Shifted the emphasis of Communion service from an act of remembrance towards the Roman Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation.
How were reforms enforced by laud?
Prerogative Courts
punishment for non-compliance = attempt at scot 1638 book of prayer. Trail of Burton, Bastwick, Prynee they were critical of lauds reforms
branded on the cheeks, ears chopped = they had a gentry background = star chamber
what did puritan believe laud was moving to
moving the church in the directions of Catholicism
Laud further offended the Puritans by issuing…..
the Books of Sports in 1633, which allowed ppl to participate in traditional sports and pastimes during sunday