Latin Suffixes Flashcards
pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (bilangual)
-ile, -il
pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (juvenile)
pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (popular)
pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (sanguine)
-ic, -tic
pertaining to, like (cryptic)
pertaining to, connected with, having the characterer of (literary)
-an, -ane
pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (American)
like, having the shape of (uniform)
having, having the shape of, characterized by having (accurate)
-(u)lent, -(o)lent
full of, disposed to (potent)
full of (morose)
-ous (-ious, -eous)
full of, having the character of (pious)
belonging to, resembling (cretaceous)
-ent (-ient), -ant (iant)
-ing (defiant)
able to be, able to, tending to - attached to verbs! (agile)
-able, -ible (-abil-, -ibil-)
able to be, able to, tending to (durable)
tending to, inclined to (vivid)
tending to, inclined to (continuous)
tending to, inclined to (incredulous)
tending to, inclined to (creative)
tending to, serving for (inventory)
tending to, characterized by (fictitious)
tending to, inclined to (gracious)
-ule, -ole, -le
little (globule)
-ulus, -ula, -ulum
little (Ursula)
little (morsel)
-ellus, -ella, -ellum
little (flagellum)
-cule, -cle
little (molecule, monacle)
little (pupil)
-illus, -illa, -illum
little (fibrilla)
little (carbuncle)
little (pedunculus)
-ette, -et
little (Cosette)
place for, apparatus (dormitory))
place for, apparatus (sanatorium)
place for apparatus (mortuary)
place for, apparatus (aquarium)
quality of, state of, act of (misery)
quality of,state of, act of (insomnia)
quality of, state of (solitude)
quality of, state of (gravity)
-ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency
quality of being, state of being (vigilance)
he who, that which (orator)
act of, state of, result of the act of (resurrection)
act of, result of the act of (capture)
act of, result of the act of (consensus)
state of, result of the act of (error)
-men, -min-
result of, means of, act of (acumen)
result of, means of, act of (ferment)
result of, means of, act of (momentum)
-ble, -bul
result of the act of, means of, place for (fable)
-bula, -bulum
result of the act of, means of, place for (
-cle, -cul-
result of the act of, means of (spectacle)
result of the act of, means of (curriculum)
-crum, -cr-
result of the act of, means of (fulcrum)
-trum, -tr-
result of the act of, means of (claustrophobia, spectrum)
to make, to cause (terrify)
making, causing (terrific)
-igate, -egate
to make, to drive (irrigate)
to begin, to be somewhat (convalesce)