Latin Phrases E-I Flashcards
exempli gratia (e.g.)
for example
en banc
in/on the bench, the entire membership of an appellate court
en bloc
in a block, as a whole
reversion of property to the state when there are no legal heirs
legal impediment to bringing/maintaining an action
et alias/ et al
and another, referring to other parties involved but not specifically named
et sequentes (et seq)
and the following, refers to further material after a citation
et uxor (et ux)
and spouse
ex contractu
from the contract
ex curia
out of court
ex delicto
resulting from a crime, tort, malfeasance, or a contractual duty
ex parte
from one part, something done by or for one party only
ex post facto
after the fact
place, venue
forum non conveniens
inconvenient forum, authority of a court to decline jurisdiction
habeas corpus
a writ issued to release someone from improper imprisonment
id est (i.e.)
that is
in absentia
in the absence of
in camera
in a room
identifying marks or characteristics
in forma pauperis
permission granted to a poor litigant to proceed without having to pay court fees
in limine
immediately before or at the very beginning of a case
in loco parentis
in the place of a parent
in medias res
in the middle of things, without preface or introduction
in personam
legal action against a person as opposed to his/her property
in properia persona (in pro per)
pleading a case on one’s own behalf without an attorney
in re
in the matter of
in rem
legal action against property as opposed to a person
inter alia
among other things
inter alios
among other persons
in toto
in all, entirely
inter se
between themselves
inter vivos
gift or property passing from one person to another, but not by means of a will or in anticipation of death
intra vires
an act which a person or corporation has the authority to perform
ipse dixit
a bare assertion resting only on a person’s own word
ipso facto
by the fact itself