Latin Literacy appreciation P+Th Flashcards
Extract 2 translation lines 1-13
A wall shared by both houses had been split when built by a thin crack long ago. This fault had been noticed by no one through many years. But what escapes the the notice of love? You lovers would have first seen it and made it a channel for your voices, and through it loving words often travelled safely in tiny whispers. Often when Thisbe would stand on this side and Pyramus on the other, each in turn had felt the breath of the other, they often said,” Jealous wall why do you separate lovers. How little it would cost you to allow us to embrace each other, or if this is too much, that you should open enough so we can kiss. But we are not ungrateful, we admit our debt to you because you have given us a way to communicate
Extract 2- (line 2) Tenui rima
word choice of “thin crack could symbolise the brekdown of family hositilty due to Pyramus and Thisbes love for one another
Extract 2- (line 3) Vitium
use of ironic word choice of “the fault”.Families see it as a flaw whereas P+Th see it as opportunity. It is personified also- makes us feel sympathy for the wall as it has been neglected for so long. Also shows the lack of intercation between the families.
extract 2 line 6- Murmure minimo
“in tiny whispers_ The use of alliteration highlights the softness of the whispers as they do not want to get caught
extract 2-line 2 paries domui utrique
“A wall shared by both houses”- unusual word placement to split up the words just as the lovers are split.
extract 2 line 7- Hinc +illnic
“on this side and “the other”-use of chiasmus, shwoing they are on other sides of the wall and bringing P+Th togehter .
extract 2 line 4- Fecistis vidistis
“Have seen it”and “made it_“use of syballance could imply the secretive nature, reflects whisperring
extract 2- invide paries
word choice of ‘jealous’ highlights anger
extract 2- nec sumus ingrati
but we are not ungrateful- change of tone highlights apprecaition
extract 2 - quantum erat
Personification- ‘how little it would cost you’
extarct 2 lines 14-28
-they talked in vain and at nightfall, said goodbye and gave kisses which could not reach the other
-Next day Aurora had removed the fires of the night, the sun had dried the frosty grass with her rays
-went to usual place, first started to complain in quiet murmurs but then decided as the silent night arrived they would try to cheat their guards to reach the outside
- they would also leave behind buildings of the city when they leave homes
- to make sure they didnt miss each other by wandering in open fields , they agreed to meet at the tomb of Ninus, lie hidden under the shade of the tree, a tree rich in snow white fruits- a mulberry tree , close to an ice cold spring
-daylight slowly disappeared
extract 2 14 -28 langauge analysis
-“ sub noctem” nightfall- word choice to highlight secritive nature of relationship
-alliteration dixere dedere- meaning talking
-imagery- nocturnos ignes- meaning fires of the night, stars -disappear when day light arrives
- sol… herbas- the sun dried the frosty grass with rays, night to day
-word choice, fallere- cheats, foreshadows bad ending
-repition of arboris, arbor- tree, importance of it
-alliteration murmure…multa- quiet murmurs helps the reader picture the quiet whispers
extract 2 lines 29-34
-Cunning Thisbe slipped away in darkness turning the door on hinges
-decieved her own family with her face veiled
- reaches the tomb and sits under tree
- lioness retursn from a recent kill with gore all over its jaw and wants to clench her thirst in the nearby spring