Latin Chapter 15 Flashcards
There are neuter nouns which 2 declensions?
2nd and 3rd
List the declensions and the genders/neuter they cover:
1st Declension: feminine (sometimes masculine)
2nd Declension: masculine, neuter
3rd Declension: masculine, feminine, neuter
How do 2nd Declension nouns appear?
um, i
2nd Declension Neuter (New Declension):
Sg Pl
Nom um a
Gen i orum
Dat o is
Acc um a
Abl o is
3rd Declension Neuter (New Declension):
N —- a
G is um
D i ibus
A em a
A e ibus
Nolo Conjugation: [Imperfect]
nolebam (I was not writing/wanting) nolebamus
nolebas nolebatis
nolebat nolebant
List the 5 3rd Declension Nouns:
tempus, tomporis (N) - time nomen, nominis (N) - name onus, oneris (N) - load, burden iter, itineris (N) - journey murmur, murmuris (N) - rumble, murmur
What does the 1st Conjugation start with?
What does the 2nd Conjugation start with?
What does the 3rd Conjugation start with?
What does the 3rd ‘io’ Conjugations start with?
io, ere
What does the 4th Conjugation start with?
How to conjugate the 3rd conjugation?
change ‘e’ to ‘i’ and add ‘unt’ for 3rd Person Plural
How to Conjugate 3rd ‘io’ conjugation? (and imperfect
‘e’ to ‘i’ and ‘iunt’ for 3P Pl
for imperfect add ‘ie’
How to Conjugate 4th conjugation? (and imperfect)
add ‘iunt’ for 3P Pl
for imperfect add ‘ie’
List the 3rd Declension ‘i’ stems (4 words)
ars, artis (gen Pl artium) (F) - skill
nubes, nubis (gen Pl nubium) (F) - could
civis, civis (gen Pl (civium) (M/F) - citizen
pars, partis (gen Pl partium) (F) - part, direction
exspecto, exspectare:
to look out for, to await
longus, longa, longum:
for a long time
appareo, apparēre:
to appear