Latin Chapter 02 Exercises Flashcards
5.1: ID case + number; all possibilities:
Abl. / Sg.
By/with/from… a rose
5.2: ID case + number; all possibilities:
Nom. / Sg.
Nature ____s
5.3: ID case + number; all possibilities:
Dat. & Abl. / Pl.
Of the waters.
By/with/from… The waters.
5.4: ID case + number; all possibilities:
Gen & Dat / Sg. ; Nom / Pl.
Of fortune.
To/for fortune.
Fortunes/riches _______.
5.5: ID case + number; all possibilities:
Gen. / Pl.
Of the farmers. OR: The farmer’s ____.
5.6: ID case + number; all possibilities:
Acc. / Pl.
____ ____ the girls.
nauta nautae nautae nautArum nautae nautIs nautam nautAs nautA nautIs
aqua aquae aquae aquArum aquae aquIs aquam aquAs aquA aquIs
7.1: ID case + number; all possibilities:
amIcus (m.)
Nom. / Sg.
The friend _____s.
7.2: ID case + number; all possibilities:
bellum (n.)
Nom. Acc. / Sg.
War \_\_\_\_\_s. \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_s (the/a) war.
7.3: ID case + number; all possibilities:
LocOrum (m.)
Gen. / Pl.
7.4: ID case + number; all possibilities:
dOna (n.)
Nom. Acc. / Pl.
The gifts ____.
_____ _____s the gift.
7.5: ID case + number; all possibilities:
amimI (m.)
Gen. / Sg ; Nom. / Pl.
7.6: ID case + number; all possibilities:
virIs (m.)
Dat. Abl. / Pl.
To/for the men.
By/with/from… the men.
8.1: Decline
Amicus AmicI AmicI AmicOrum AmicO AmicIs Amicum AmicOs AmicO AmicIs
8.2: Decline
Ager AgrI AgrI AgrOrum AgrO AgrIs Agrum AgrOs AgrO AgrIs
8.3: Decline
Bellum Bella Bell>i BellOrum BellO Bell>is Bellum Bella BellO Bell>Is
9.1: Replace the CAP word with (Word) in parenthesis:
ROSAS habeo.
ager pl.
AGROS habeo.
9.2: Replace the CAP word with (Word) in parenthesis:
PUELLAM vocamus.
VIRUM vocamus.
9.3: Replace the CAP word with (Word) in parenthesis:
Videsne NAUTAM?
Videsne REGNUM?
9.4: Replace the CAP word with (Word) in parenthesis:
PUER timet.
Agricola pl.
9.5: Replace the CAP word with (Word) in parenthesis:
Dominus PUEROS docet.
puella pl.
Dominus PUELLAM docent.
9.6: Replace the CAP word with (Word) in parenthesis:
Domini CONSILIUM habent.
donum pl.
Domini DONA habent.
10.1: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Viri clamant.
Viri (nom/pl) clamant (3rd/pl.)
=The men are shouting.
10.2: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Agricola agrum videt.
Agricola (nom/sg.) agrum (acc/sg) videt (3rd/sg).
= The farmer sees the field.
10.3: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Docesne puellas?
Docesne (2nd/sg) puellas (acc/pl)?
= Are you teaching the girls?
10.4: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Amici donum amant.
Amici (nom/pl) donum (acc/sg) amant (3rd/pl).
= Friends love a gift.
10.5: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Bellum animum terret.
bellum (nom/sg) animum (acc/sg) terret (3rd/sg).
= War terrifies the mind.
10.6: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Nautae clamare audent.
Nautae (nom/pl) clamare (inf) audent (3rd/pl).
= The sailors dare to shout.
10.7: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Consilium laudamus.
Consilium (acc/sg) laudamus (1st/pl).
= we praise the plan.
10.8: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
femina dona optat.
Femina (nom/sg) donna (acc/pl) optat (3rd/sg).
= The woman desires the presents.
10.9: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Luvatisne dominos?
Iuvatisne (2nd/pl) dominos (acc/pl)?
= Are you(pl) helping the Lords?
10.10: ID noun Cases & verb persn/no.
Regna superare dubitant.
Regna (acc/pl) superare (inf) dubitant (3rd/pl).
= They hesitated to overcome the kingdom.
11.1: Translate into Latin.
The boys are shouting.
Pueri clamant.
11.2: Translate into Latin.
I have gifts.
Dona habeo.
11.3: Translate into Latin.
We ought to help (our) friend.
Debitamos iuvare amicum.
11.4: Translate into Latin.
The woman loves the hero.
Femina virum amat.
11.5: Translate into Latin.
Do they see the fields?
Videntne agros?
11.6: Translate into Latin.
The lord praises the plans.
Dominus consilia laudet.
12.1: ID 2 connected items and their function; translate.
Bellum pueros et puellas terret.
pueros + puellas: SUBJECTS
= War terrifies the boys and girls.
12.2: ID 2 connected items and their function; translate.
Puer puellaque laborant.
puer + puella: SUBJECTS
= The boy and girl are working.
12.3: ID 2 connected items and their function; translate.
Habemusne aquam et rosas?
aquam + rosas: OBJECTS
= Do we have water and roses?
12.4: ID 2 connected items and their function; translate.
Timent viri et feminae orant.
viri + feminae: SUBJECTS
= The men and women are afraid to beg.
12.5: ID 2 connected items and their function; translate.
Donum videt sed tacet.
videt + tacet: VERBS
= He sees the lord but is silent.
12.6: ID 2 connected items and their function; translate.
Et agricola et nauta locum laudant.
agricola + nauta: SUBJECTS
= Both the farmer and the sailor praise the place.
13.1: fill in correct ending.
Femina iac_.
Femina iacET.
13.2: fill in correct ending.
puell_ rosam habet.
puellA rosam habet.
13.3: fill in correct ending.
vir amic_ (sg.) docet.
vir amicUM docet.
13.4: fill in correct ending.
Domini Don_ (pl) optant.
Domini DonAE optant.
13.5: fill in correct ending.
Vir_ clamant.
VirI clamant.
13.6: fill in correct ending.
Naut_ agricolaque locum ladent.
NautAE agricolaque locum laudent.
13.7: fill in correct ending.
Terretne pueros bell_?
Terretne pueros bellUM?
13.8: fill in correct ending.
Virum vide_ et vocamus.
Virum videMUS et vocamus.
14.1: Translate.
Vir puerque dominum vident.
The man and the boy see the lord.
14.2: Translate.
Puella clamat et femina timet.
the girl shouts and the woman is afraid.
14.3: Translate.
Nauta iacet sed amicus laborat.
the sailor is laying but the friend is working.
14.4: Translate.
Videsne dona?
Do you see the gifts?
14.5: Translate.
Consilium habetis.
You (pl) have a plan.
14.6: Translate.
Agricolam aquam orare audent.
They dare to bet the farmers for water.
14.7: Translate.
He desires to see the gift.
donum videre optat.
14.8: Translate.
The lord praises the heroes.
Viros dominum laudat.
14.9: Translate.
Is she teaching the girls literature?
docetne puellas litterae?
14.10: Translate.
They ought to see the place.
locum videre debent.
14.11: Translate.
We conquer the kingdoms.
regna superamus.
14.12: Translate.
Both the farmer and the hero are calling the sailors.
Et agricola et vir nautae vocant.