latin 4 test one translation Flashcards
Quo usque tandem abutere Catilina patientia nostra?
how long will you abuse our patience catiline
quam diu etiam furor iste tuus eludet?
how long, even now, will your fury mock us?
t quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia?
to what limit will your unrestranded audicty boost itself
Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium palati, nihil urbis vigiliae,
does the nightly guard of the palati not concern you at all, and not the city’s watch men?
nihil timor populi nihil concursus bonorum,
there is no fear of the people, no gathering of all the good men
nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt?
does not this most fortfied place for holding the senate and the faces and expressions of these men not move you?
Patere tua consilia non sentis, constrictam omnium horum scientia teneri coniurationem tuam non vides?
do you not realize that your plans are exposed, that your conspiracy is choked off and held back by the knowledge of all these people?
Quid proxima quid superiore nocte egeris ubi fueris quos convocaveris quid consilii ceperis quem nos trum ignorare arbitraris?
what you did last night, what you did the day befor, where you were what you did together, what plans your formed of which of us did you think does not know?
O tempora o mores senatus haec intellegit, consul videt
o the times, o the morals, the senate understands this, and the counsil sees this, he neverthe less lives?
catilnam orbem terrae caede atque incendiis vastare cupientem nos consules perferemus?
do we, the counsils, put up with catilne desring to lay waiste to the whole world with slaughter and fires?
nam illa nimis antiqua praetereo quod C. Servilius ahala Sp. Maelium novis rebus studentum manu sua occidit.
for I pass over thise old times too much, that Guius servilius ahala killed Spurius maeils with hiw own hand as he was aspiring revolution.
fuit, fuit, ista quondam in hac re publica virtus ut viri fortes acioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum quam acerbissimum hostem coercerent.
there was, there once was in this republic such courage that brave men might restrain evil citizens with rather severe punishments that than severe enemy
Habemus senatus consultum in te catilina, vehemens et grave
we have the ultimte decree of the senate against you, catiline, strong and serius
non deest rei publicae consuiliam neque auctoritas huius ordinis; nos, nos, dico aperte, consuler desumus.
nor is the plan of action not lacking authority for this decree alas we, we I say it openly, the consules are lacking.
decrevit quondam senatus uti L.Opimius consul videret ne quid re publica caperet:
once, the senate voted that lucius opimusm teh counsul should see o it that nothing harmful happened to the repbulic.
nox nulla intercessit, interfectus est propter quasdam seditionum suspiciones c. Gracchus, clarissimo patre, ave, maioribus, occisus est cam liberis M. Fulvius consularis
no night interveneted: Gaius Gracchus, of the most well known father, grandfather, and ancestors, was killed on account of some suspicious of insercution, and Marcus Fulvis a former counsil was killed with his children.
simili senatus consulto C. Mario et l. Valerio consulibus est permissa res publica: num unum diem postea L. Senturnum tribunum plebis et C. Servilium praetorem mors ac rei publicae poena remota est?
by similiar ultimate decree of the senate, the republic was entrusted while Gaius Maius and Lucius Valerius were counsuls, shurely the death and punishment of teh repbulic was not delyaed Lucius saturnius, tribune of teh plebs and Guius servillius the praetir ine single day.
vivit? immo vero etaim in senatum venit, fit oublici consili particeps, notat et designat occulis ad caedem unum quemque nostrum.
he lives indeed, he even comes into the senate even takes place in our public counsils, he marks and desigantes; each one of us for slaughter.
nos autem, fortes viri, satis facere rei publicae videmur, si istius furorem ac tela vitamus
but we strong men, seem to satitfy the needs of the people if we avoid his fury and weapins of that dammend man.