Lateralisaiton Flashcards
What connects the hemispheres?
Corpus callosum - network of axons
What are contralateral connections?
Left controls right side of body
Right controls left side of body
Whats lateralisation?
Certain processes are more highly developed on one side of the brain than the other
Left - specialised language
Right - specialised in emotion content, face recognition and spatial ability
Which side looks sadder image?
The left
Right hemisphere hypothesis
- its dominant for emotion regulation
Valence hypothesis
- its dominant for negative emotions, and the left for positive
What are split brain patients?
The corpus callosum is cut
Almost not communication between hemispheres
Info is presented to only one hemisphere, its not interpreted by the other
Whats an example of split brain patients?
A split-brain patient reads HATBAND, where
HAT is in her left visual field and
BAND is in her right visual field.
Right hand, Left hemisphere, Right visual field:
Who are split brain patients?
In few cases it is cut
Half of body affected = less seizures, but no impact on intellect, movement, etc