Later Protectorate and Richard Cromwell Flashcards
When did the Parliament for the later Protectorate open? How did tensions rise?
Sept 1656 – 100 members kept from their seats as MGs assured that only those suitable would be elected to next Parliament to finance war against Spanish. Quiet few months before difficulty started with James Naylor case followed by John Desborough in Jan 1657 reintroducing the decimation tax through a bill – this was voted against. Effectively ended MG rule and Cromwell was angry that MG John Desborough suggested it.
Who were new Cromwellians and what were their values?
Included General Monck, commander in Scotland of Cromwell, Lord Broghill – a confidant, Bulstrode Whitelock, and William Lenthall. These men believed in old constitution but also promoting Protectorate’s social and political values to move towards being more acceptable government with less military influence.
When was Cromwell given the petition to be King? How did he reject it?
On Feb 23 1657 the Humble Petition and Advice was presented to Cromwell offering: title of king, finance, a Privy Council, government with regular Parliaments and an upper House. This was appealing as the Humble Petition was a constitution having legality and validity that the Instrument lacked, creation of Army Council. In April 1657 after several army petitions begging Cromwell to be faithful to the ‘good cause,’ he rejected kingship. In May 1657 he accepted the Humble Petition and Advice on alternative terms extending his power, with right to choose successor and appoint members of Upper House as Lord Protector.
How did Cromwell try to strengthen his civilian base in second Protectorate 1656-8? Why was Lambert dismissed?
Cromwell strengthened his civilian base and appointed several officer colleagues to the Other House of 40 members with right to veto legislation. Criticised by republicans for promotion of army members. By July 1657 when John Lambert refused the oath of loyalty to the new constitution, Cromwell was forced to dismiss John Lambert from the Privy Council.
What happened when Parliament assembled in Jan 1658?
The House of Commons reassembled in Jan 1658 and lasted a month. Unfit people from September 1656 returned with republicans united under Arthur Haselrig who felt government had been illegitimate since the Rump’s dissolution, attack was launched on the new constitution. They attacked authority of Cromwell, army, and taxation. Cromwell feared opposition would undermine him and lost lower House support as members were transferred to Upper House so dissolved in Feb. Cromwell died in September.
Richard Cromwell’s protectorate Sept 1658-April 1659, what problems did he face? How was the senior and junior side of the army divided?
Richard Cromwell was inexperienced and lacked the army’s faith. Presbyterians had never been all too committed to the Protectorate as they never gained religious settlement. Real threat of Presbyterians and royalists forming alliance.Charles Fleetwood wanted to maintain the Protectorate with senior officers as with a diffident Protector they could control the situation. Lower ranks sided with sectaries, fearing a Protector with Presbyterian sympathies. They wanted a return to Rump.
What did military demand of Richard? What support did he gain?
Military demanded him to give up role as commander-in-chief and Cromwell refused. He was criticised harshly by John Desborough and Charles Fleetwood, so he focused on gaining civilian advisers of a conservative outlook and some officers such as George Monck, Edward Whalley, and William Gough. Army owed £900,000 but Protectorate in £2.5 mil debt.
Parl Jan-April 1659 - what did it call for?
Called for finance. In 549 members most were pro-Protectorate conservatives but the minority were more vocal. Presbyterian MPs feared rise in military influence as republicans recruited them and so issued resolution that the Council of Officers should sit only with Parliament permission and voted to bring local militia under parliamentary control. Officers and ranks demanded Protector dissolve Parliament so Richard was forced. It appeared the Army Council held power and influence. The Council recommended recalling the Rump to make their power appear less stark.
Rump May-Oct 1659 - what conflict did it have with army?
Rump and army had conflict. Army wanted arrears covered which Rump refused alongside not committing to reform. Rump needed army to preserve itself and army needed Rump to disguise military rule.
How did uprising seem to manifest in 1659?
The Rump tried to curb army influence by putting local military in hands of the extreme sectaries including Fifth Monarchists and Quakers. There were even fears Levellers were reorganising. In 1659 pamphlets were outpoured giving impression radicalism was rising and conservatives were feared into wanting restoration. There was talk of radical forces threatening Church and State and in 1659 Presbyterian-royalist risings broke out. Government issued military strikes.