Later Medieval Europe, ca. 1000-1400 Flashcards

Bernward Doors
Type: door; sculpture
Materials/Techniques: bronze/lost wax method
Culture: German
Commissioner: Bishop Bernward of Hildesheim
Date/Period: ca. 1015/Medieval
Style Period: Ottonian/Romanesque
Location: Hildesheim Cathedral of St. Mary (Hildesheim, Germany)

Reliquary of Saint-Foy
Type: reliquary
Materials/Techniques: gold, silver, gems, rock crystal, wood core
Culture: French
Date/Period: ca. 1005/Medieval
Style Period: Ottonian/Medieval
Location/Respository: Abbey Church of Saint Foy (Conques, France)

Stavelot Triptych
Type: reliquary; triptych
Materials/Techniques: wood; copper-gilt frames, silver pearls and columns, gilt-brass capitals and bases, vernis brun domes, semi-precious stones, intaglio gems, beads, champlevé and Byzantine cloisonné enamels
Culture: Belgian
Date/Period: 1156-1158/Medieval
Style Period: Mosan (Medieval)/Byzantine
Creation Location: Stavelot Abbey (Belgium)
Repository: The Morgan Library (New York, NY)

Vase d’Aliénor (Eleanor Vase)
Type: vase
Materials/Techniques: rock crystal, silver, gold, enamel, niello, pearls, precious stones, champlevé enamel
Culture: Persian/French
Commissioner (mount)/Donor: Abbot Suger
Date/Period: before 1147/Sassanian/Medieval
Style Period: Sassanian/Medieval
Original Location: Treasury of the Abbey of Saint-Denis (France)
Repository: Louvre Museum (Paris, France)

Icon with a Bust of the Archangel Michael
Type: metalwork
Materials/Techniques: gilt silver, cloisonné enamels and precious stones
Culture: Byzantine
Date/Period: 10th-11th century/Medieval
Style Period: Byzantine
Discovery Location: from Constantinople
Repository: Treasury of the Cathedral Basilica (Saint Marco, Venice)

The Pisa Griffin
Type: outdoor sculpture
Materials/Techniques: cast bronze
Culture: Islamic (possibly Spanish)
Date/Period: 11th century/Medieval
Style Period: Fatimid
Creation Location: probably Al-Andalus, Spain
Repository: Museo dell’Opera del Duomo (Pisa, Italy)

Mantle of Roger II
Type: textile
Materials/Techniques: silk and gold embroidery, pearls, gemstones, cloisonné enamel on samite silk
Creator: Islamic artists working at the royal workshop in Palermo, Sicily
Date/Period: 1134 (dated with Arabic inscription)
Style Period: Medieval Islamic/Romanesque
Repository: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (Vienna, Austria)

Très Riches Heures of the Duc de Berry: December
Type: folio; illumination
Materials/Techniques: ink and pigment on parchment
Creator/Culture: The Limbourg Brothers/Flemish
Date/Period: 1413-1416/Medieval
Style Period: Late Medieval/French Gothic
Repository: Musée Condé (Chantilly, Picardy, France)

The Bayeux Embroidery (also known as the Bayeux Tapestry)
Type: textile
Materials/Techniques: wool embroidery on linen
Culture: French
Date/Period: late 11th century/Medieval
Style Period: Norman Romanesque
Repository: Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux (Bayeux, Normandy, France)

Aquamanile depicting Aristotle and Phyllis (“The Lay of Aristotle”)
Type: aquamanile
Materials: bronze; copper alloy
Culture: South Netherlandish
Date/Period: late 14th or early 15th century/Medieval
Style Period: Medieval
Repository: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY)