Ancient Near East and Egypt Flashcards

Goddess Seated on a Throne Flanked by Two Felines
Type: figurine
Material: clay
Culture: Near Eastern
Date/Period: 7th-6th millenium BCE/Neolithic
Style Period: Neolithic
Discovery Location: From a “Shrine,” Level II, Çatal Hüyük (Turkey)
Repository: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (Ankara, Central Anatolian Region, Turkey)

Reconstruction of the Headdress and Jewelry Worn by a Court Lady
Type: headdress; necklace
Materials: gold, carnelian, agate, lapis lazuli
Culture: Sumerian
Date/Period: ca. 2550/Early Dynastic (Mesopotamian)
Style Period: Early Dynastic (Mesopotamian), Bronze Age
Discovery Location: Royal Cemetery, Ur (Tall al-Muqayyar), Mesopotamia, (Iraq)
Repository: Iraq Museum (Baghdad, Iraq)

Troy II, Treasure A (Selections), assorted objects on display
Type: treasure-trove
Materials: gold, various materials
Culture: Anatolian, Near Eastern
Date/Period: ca. 2500-2200 BCE/Bronze Age
Style Period: Bronze Age
Discovery Location: Troy II (Troy, Marmara, Turkey)
Repository: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, Russia)

Troy II, Treasure A, Large Diadem (detail)
Type: diadem
Materials: sheet gold, hammered four-faceted wire, repoussé decoration
Culture: Anatolian, Near Eastern
Date/Period: ca. 2500-2200 BCE/Bronze Age
Style Period: Bronze Age
Discovery Location: Troy II (Troy, Marmara, Turkey)
Respository: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, Russia)

“Mona Lisa” of Nimrud
Type: furniture attachment; bust
Material: tinted ivory (elephant)
Measurements: H. 16 cm
Culture: Assyrian
Date/Period: ca. 8th century BCE/Syrian
Style Period: Iron Age
Discovery Location: found in a well, Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Nimrud (Nimrud, Iraq)
Repository: Iraq Museum (Baghdad, Iraq)

Pazyryk Carpet
Type: carpet
Medium: wool pile
Culture: Armenian or Persian
Burial Style: Scythian
Date: 4th-3rd century BCE
Style Period: possibly Achaemenid
Discovery Location: Barrow 5, Pazyryk region (Siberia, Central Asia)
Repository: State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Inlaid Table, Gordion, Reconstruction drawing by Elizabeth Simpson
Type: table
Materials/Techniques: boxwood, juniper, walnut/inlay, carving
Culture: Phrygian (Gordion, Near East)
Date: 8th century BCE; 1957 (discovery date)
Style Period: Iron Age
Discovery Location: Tumulus MM (Gordium, Turkey)
Repository: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (Ankara, Central Anatolian Region, Turkey)

Inlaid Table, Gordion, Reconstructed
Type: table
Materials/Techniques: boxwood, juniper, walnut/inlay, carving
Culture: Phrygian (Gordion, Near East)
Date: 8th century BCE; 1957 (discovery date)
Style Period: Iron Age
Discovery Location: Tumulus MM (Gordium, Turkey)
Repository: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (Ankara, Central Anatolian Region, Turkey)

Pectoral of Princess Sit-Hathor-Yunet (detail)
Type: pectoral
Materials/Technique: gold, amethyst, turquoise, lapis lazuli, garnet/cloissoné
Culture: Egyptian
Date/Period: 19th century BCE/XII Dynasty (Middle Kingdom)
Style Period: XII Dynasty (Middle Kingdom)
Discovery Location: Pyramid Complex of Sesostris II (Al Lahun, Upper Egypt, Egypt)
Repository: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY)

Chair of Renyseneb
Type: chair
Matierials/Techniques: ebony, ivory/veneer
Culture: Egyptian
Date/Period: ca. 1450 BCE/XVIII Dynasty (New Kingdom)
Style Period: XVIII Dynasty (New Kingdom)
Discovery Location: Unexcavated (Egypt)
Repository: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY)

Two Kohl Containers
Type: container
Materials/Technique: glass/most likely core-formed
Culture: Egyptian
Date/Period: ca. 1540-1186 BCE/XVIII or XIX Dynasty (Middle or New Kingdom)
Style Period: XVIII or XIX Dynasty (Middle or New Kingdom)
Discovery Location: Egypt
Repository: British Museum (London, UK)

Gold Throne of Tutankhamun
Type: throne
Materials: wood overlaid with sheet gold, silver leaf, colored glass paste, glazed ceramic, inlaid calcite; bronze-sheathed bases on the feet
Culture: Egyptian
Date/Period: 1347-1338/XVIII Dynasty
Style Period: XVIII Dynasty (New Kingdom)
Discovery Location: Tomb of Tutankhamun, Egypt
Repository: Archeological Museum (Cairo, Egypt)