late congenal syphilis Flashcards
normal at birth dev dx after 2 yrs of age.
2 types of lesion:
persistent inflammatory foci
malformations of tissue affected at critical growth periods (stigmata)
Inflammatory lesions
lesions of cornea bones and cns are most impt.
interstitial keratitis wc begins w intense pericorneal onflamm and perists to char diffuse clouding of cornea without surface ulceration.’occurs in 20-50% of children.
if persistent lead to permanent partial or complete opacity of the cornea. syphilitic inferstitial keratitis.
perisynovitis( clutton joints) - affects knees leads to summ painless swelling. gummas may be found in any of the long bones in the skull. ulcersting gummas.
seizures are a freq symptom in congenital cases.
malformations (stigmata)
leave scars or dec defects called stigmata wc perisstt throughout life and confirm dx.
Hutchinson TRIAD-
incisor teeth
opacities of the cornea
8th cranial nerve deafness
diagnostic importance: hutchinson teetg, corneal scars; saber shins, rhagades of the lips; saddle nose, mulberry molars.
Hutchinson teeth
Malformatioj of the central upper incisors that appear in secondary or permanent teeth.
teeth are cylindrical. cutting edge is narrower than base.
mulberry molar usually 1st molar and appearing about 6 yrs is a hyperplastic tooth.
unilateral thickenjng of the inner third of one clavicle. is a hyperostosis resulting from syphilitic osteitis.
Higoumenaki sign.