Last Unit Flashcards
3 different regions? Urinary system.
Cortex- outermost layer
medulla- inner layer
pelvis-hollow chamber entrance for blood vessels + utter
The kidneys
Attached to dorsal abdomen
Dynamic process
- Constant conditions present fewer variables for the body to deal with
- nesscary for constant enzyme function
Homeostasis → dynamic process regulates
, Temp,blood glucoses,blood pH, blood pressure
Role of excretion
- The elimination of metabolic waste from our body
- Homeostatic regulation of chemical concentrations
Control systems balance
-Balance inputs and outputs
-shut off mechanism
- can’t have consistency
Where is urea produced?
- The liver
- excreted from body through kidneys and sweat glands
Organs of excretion
- liver
+ve and -ve feedback mechanisms
Neg = most common, reduces stim that it effects
Posit= less common, enhances stim
The nephron is located in.?
The kidney
- Glamorous
- Cappliers supplying blood to the nephron
- Cup like structure) that encloses glamours
The bowman’s capsule
(3) Attached to the bowman’s capsule)
-Highly coiled tube
Proximal tubule (3)
Loop of henle -(attached to proximal tubule)
Large u shaped tube
- extends to medulla region of the kidney
Coiled tube, downstream of Henle
(5) distal tubule
Collecting tubule
- Several nephrons
- carry urine out of kidney toward ureter
Pressure sends water & solutes into the bowman’s capsule
- solution: nephric filtrate
-blood & proteins are big to be in cappileres
Glomerous/Bowman’s capsule
-filtrate flows through
-useful réabsorption —> intoblood by diffusion and active transport
- Proximal tubu
- Loop of Henle
Na+ ions réabsorba into medulla
-longer the loop the more Na+ absorbed
Fine tuning of blood concentrations
-réabsorption (nephron to blood
-tubular secretion (blood to nephron)
- Distal Tubule
- COllecting tubule
- urine is in nephron
- urine must pass through the kidney
-Water is rebsorbed
-concentrated urine exits kidney
Summary of the Nephron
-not a filter
Réabsorption and secretion occur by active transport,so contractions of blood can be maintained: homeostasis
- Filteration
- Réabsorption
- Sécrétion
Endocrine control
(Produced in gland and secreted in blood)
- ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone)
-produced in pituitary gland
-réabsorption in the collecting tubules - Aldosterone
-produced in adrenal glands
-stimulates réabsorption of Na+ and Cl- out distal tubule - PTH
- produced in parathyroid glands
-stimulates the real option of Ca 2+
The Endocrine gland:
Organ that produces & secretes hormones
Target fell/ organ (endocrine system):
Specific site that is affected by the hormone
Mechanism of hormone action
- Stimulated, endocrine gland releases hormones (into blood)
- Hormone travel through blood to target cells
- Hormones interact with receptors on cells surface
- Stim cell to do specific activity