LAST TEST Flashcards
Victimless crime
sociologists use this term to describe the willing exchange between adults of there widely desired but illegal goods and services
Organized crime
A group with a hierarchical power structure, division of labor, and who’s souls focus is on illegal activities like trafficking or prostitution.
Transitional crime
A crime that happens across various boarders
in the simplest terms is a lack of social or ethical norms in an individual or group
anomie theory of deviance
anomie theory of deviance is a social condition where people’s norms and values no longer fuse with those of society
Cultural transmissions
A school of criminology that believes that that social interactions are the cause the criminal behavior
Differential association
through social interaction individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques, and motives of a criminal behavior.
Social disorganization theory
ecological differences between crime based on structural and cultural factors shaping the social order across communities.
Labeling theory
labeling theory is the view of deviance according to which being labeled as a “deviant” leads a person to engage in deviant behavior
Societal reaction approach
Another name for labeling theory
What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination give examples:
. Prejudice definition:
A negative attitude toward an entire category of people often an ethnic or racial minority
Example : if you have a sloppy roommate and you judge them base them souly on there sloppiness you’re not prejudice but if you base her sloppiness off of of stereotypes there such as race , ethnicity religion. Then you’re prejudice
Discrimination definition : depriving opportunities and / equal rights to groups and individuals because of prejudice
A white manager can has two people an overly qualified POC and an inferior white person if he hires the white person and refuses to hire the person of color he evoking discrimination
. Glass cieling definition and how does efffect women and minority men ? :
Definition: an invisible barrier that prevents the promotion of a qualified person because of his race gender and ethnicity
How does it affect man and woman of color ? :
Because many middle and upper class white male managers fear that including men and women of color somehow pose as a threat to there own advancement
Three types of discrimination list them and define them :
Descriminatory behavior : A white manager can has two people an overly qualified POC and an inferior white person if he hires the white person and refuses to hire the person of color he evoking discrimination
The glass cieling : Definition: an invisible barrier that prevents the promotion of a qualified person because of his race gender and ethnicity
Racial profiling : any police action initiated based on race ethnicity / nationality rather than on the individuals behavior is racial profiling
Define the social construction of race :
Each society defines which differences are important all while ignoring the other characteristics that could be useful for social differentiation
Define racial formation :
A socio historical process where racial categories are created transformed and destroyed