Definition #1 Quiz ( Chapter 2) Flashcards
The 6 steps to scientific method / how to analyze your test results :
1) define problem
2) gather relevant data
3) formulate a hypothesis
4) test your hypothesis
5) analyze test results = ( survey , observation , experiment, existing sources )
6) présent a conclusion
Operational definition
Is the complete specific and descriptive process that will take place when performing as investigation
Causal logic :
The relationship between a condition or variable and a particular consequence with one event leading to the other
- changes in one variable when mesures directly causes changes in the other *
A relationship between two or more variables in which a change in one coincides with a change in the other
Independent variable
To cause or to influence another
Dépendant variable:
Subject that is influenced by another variable
Mesurable trait that changes when in different conditions
Produces consistent results
Mode :
Value that repeats itself for that is most common
Statiscal representation of the population
Random sample :
EVERY MEMBER of entire population has chance of being chosen
Interview :
Face to face
Telephone questioning
Or respondents to obtain desired information
Ethnography :
The study of entire social environment though extending systematic observation
Secondary analysis :
the re- analysis of quantitative or qualitative data already collected in a previous study by different researcher other researchers
Quantitative research
Research that collects / reports data in numerical form
Hawthorne effect / observer effect :
People will unintentionally modify their behavior simply because they are being watched
Control group
The group in an experiment that does not receive treatment by researchers
- used as bench mark to measure how the other tested subjects do *
Value neutrality
Max w(v)ebers term for objectivity of sociologist in the interpretation of data
How do we know the things we know ?
Through ..:
1) personal experience
2) discovering things for ourselves
3) tradition : “ how things have always been “
4) religion
5) science ( using controlled systematic research)