Last Rules to Memorize Flashcards
Taxing and spending
Congress can tax and spend for general welfare, for any public purpuse so long as strings are (1) clearly stated, (2) related to purpose of the grant and not (3) unduly coercive
Commerce Clause
Instrumentalities, channels, and economic activity (need only rational basis) that substantially in aggregate effects interestate commerce
Limits: usually not oging to apply to non-economic intrastate activity even if would affect interstate commerce on aggregate (guns near schools, violence against women)
Congress’s investigatory power
limited to matters on which it can legislate
Article 4
Look for saying X% of workres have to be in state!
Defenses to nArticle 4
necessary for important government interest & no less restrictive means avaialble
Dones’t apply to corporations or alients (look for non-residents being discriminated against)
Applies to jobs (commercial activity) or fundamental rights
Contracts clause - private contracts
narrowly tailored to achieve important gov interest
EPC claim
(1) is there gov action
(2) is it discriminatory (intent, application, impact/motive)
(3) is there a suspect classification
due process - procedural
“reasonable expectation of continued receipt”
public use = rationally related to legit public purpose (very broad)
just compensation = FMV at tiem of taking
regulatory = denial of all value, consider gov interest, diminuation in value, regulation interfering with investment-backed expecatiion
Required property interest for permitting easement - nexus and proportional
school speech can be restricted if
reasaonbly related to legitimate pedagogical concerns
(1) intentional or recklessness
(2) extreme and outragenous conduct
(3) causing severe emotional distress (don’t forget causation)
IIED bystander
(1) in presence
(2) Distress resulted in bodily harm or close relative
(3) D KNEW these facts
Business record
o (1) made in regular course of business
o (2) regularly conducted business activity
o (3) by someone with personal knowledge or within PK if someone with duty to transmit matters to entrant
o (4) at or near time of the event
o (5) authenticated
PResent sense impression
statement describing an event or condition made while or immediately after perceiving it
Victim’s prior sexual relations (civil)
generally inadmissible unless
(1) otherwise admissible and provbative value substantially outweights unfair prejudicie
Defendant - sexual assault
past sexual assault/child molestation admissible w/ 15 days notice (criminal)
specific instances of sexual behavior b/w V and D (crim - P allowed, D to show consent)
confrontation clause
criminal D, unavaialble witness, testimonial statement (grand jury, former trial, deposition) with no opp to cross-examine
former testimony non-hearsay
former testimony made by currently unavaiable witenss (deposition/trial) w/ opportunity to cross examine
Prior inconsistent statement
substantively will come in if made under oath
unless hearsay declarant who is out of court, usually witness has to be at trial and available for cross, given opp to explain inconsistent statemetn