Last Part Flashcards
a statement that is self-contradictory on the surface, but which reveals a subtler meaning on reflection
Mist on the Marshes represents…
19th Century England Social Issues
- School Education
- Justice Systems
- Public Houses
- Status of children in society
- Men’s club
- Studying abroad
- Apprenticeship
- Social Customs
literary genre or mode that uses irony, wit, and sometimes sarcasm to expose humanity’s vices and foibles; criticizes humanity, institutions, ideas in hopes of improving them
Types of Satire
bitter, angry, biting; points with contempt and moral indignation to the corruption and evil of humans and their institutions
gentle, urbane, smiling; aims to correct by gentle and broadly sympathetic laughter
Fact about Satire
Not all irony is satirical, but most satire contains irony.
The forms that Satire came in…..
- Class snobbery
- The Education System
- Child Abuse
particular words chosen for use in a work, or the plan that seems to govern word choice
Stock Phrases
A phrase frequently or habitually used by a person or group, and thus associated with them.
Victorian Era
In the history of the United Kingdom, the Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria’s reign, from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.
What’s a Gentleman?
a guy of money, wealth, and high social status ~of the upper class
Walworth is………
Wemmick’s Castle (or home, but its refer to as his Castle)
Twenty before 9 is when……
Miss Havisham learnt that she had been abandoned
Satis is………….
Miss Havisham’s Manor House
knowing everything