Lasers Flashcards
What does LASER stand for?
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Lasers are by definition…
Coherent, Monochromatic, and Collimated
Synchronized in motion (all in same phase due to same source)
Single color (due to single wavelength)
Travels in a straight line
The distance a photon travels through one oscillation
Laser light travels in a straight line until it is…
absorbed, reflected, or refracted
power density=?
Unit if energy, or ability to do work
Unit of Power, or rate of doing work
1 watt=?
1 J/second (1,000mJ/second)
Continuous wave mode
The laser is on as long as the foot pedal is pressed. This creates hot and thermal damage
Gated/Chopped Pulse Mode
A period of thermal relaxation between pulses. This allows target tissue to warm slowly
Free-running Pulse Mode
Extremely short pulses and relatively long thermal relaxation
This mode of laser usually uses water and or air to assist in cooling of tissues?
Free-Running Pulse Mode
Zones of laser ablation (from outer to inner)
Zone of Denaturation; Zone of Vacuolization; Zone of Carbonization
Class 1 lasers
Safe from all hazards (CD players)
Class 2 Lasers
Damage could occur after prolonged exposure (laser pointers)
Class 3a lasers
(1-5mW) Direct viewing could be hazardous to eyes
Class 3b lasers
(5-500mW) Direct viewing and reflections can be hazardous
Class 4 lasers
(>500mW) this is the class we use in dentistry
Standards, Organizations, and Regulatory Requirements
- FDA center for devices and radiological health (CDRH)
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
- State and Local regulatory agencies
% reduction in post op pain after using lasers
Diode Lasers
Soft tissue, low level therapy, laser whitening
highly absorbed by pigment
Nd:YAG lasers
1064nm (near infrared portion of spectrum)
Solid state laser (crystal)
soft tissue only
Erbium Lasers
Er,Cr:YSGG= 2780nm
mid infrared portion
Water and hydroxyapatite (minimal heat transfer)
CO2 lasers
Soft tissue and bone
absorbed by pigment, water, and hydroxyapatite