Laser/Radiation Safety Flashcards
An electron is known as a _____ particle. Then an _____ particle may be emitted.
Different units of measure are used depending on what aspect of radiation is being measured. True or false?
For example, the amount of radiation being given off, or emitted, by a radioactive material is measured
using the conventional units: (2)
What is the SI unit?
Curie (Ci)
becquerel (Bq) is SI unit
Radiation dose absorbed by a person units (2):
What is SI unit?
gray (Gy) is SI unit
Biological risk of exposure to radiation units: (2)
What is SI unit?
sievert (Sv)
What are used to detect levels of radiation? (2)
geiger - muller counter
scintillation counter
What is the radiation equation?
1 / d2
If the radioactive substance is within the body of the patient, all or part of this energy may be absorbed by the tissues. All the energy of ____ and ____ particles is absorbed by the surrounding tissues.
______ rays as a proportion of the radiation escapes the body.
Most sensitive organs/tissue to radioactive activity: (5)
bone marrow
Tissue sensitivity depends on tissue _____ factor.
ALARA is an acronym. Definition?
as low as reasonably achievable
X ray protection
Which provides the better and least protection?
Indicate the curves on the graph.

d-composite is least, top solid line
lead is most protective, bottom solid line

If back is facing radiation, resulting effect is _____ _____.
double exposure
Wall that protects someone from x ray protection:
composite shield

symbol for laser radiation

ionizing radiation

Laser materials (2)
Nd - YAG
CO2 , most commonly used
Types of Lasers (3)
- Gaseous Lasing Medium
- CO2, Ar, Kr, He-Ne
- Solid Lasing Medium
- Synthetic Gem Crystal YAG
- Liquid Dyes or Semiconductors
- Excimer (Excited dimer)
Helium-neon (He-Ne) wavelength
color: ______
wavelength: _____
typical application: _______
632 nm
aiming beam
Class 4 of laser definition:
Hazardous if viewed directly or from diffuse reflection.
Also produces fire hazards and skin hazards.
Most medical lasers including CO2, Nd: YAG, argon, and KTP are class ___ lasers.
Are there control measures to evaluate class 4 lasers?