Las artes plásticas (Edited) Flashcards
el pintor, la pintora
the painter
el cuadro, la pintura
the painting
el escultor, la escultora
the sculptor
el pincel
the paintbrush
óleo sobre lienzo
oil on canvas
la acuarela
la obra maestra
the masterpiece
the work for which the artist is most know/famous
la exposión, la exhibición
the exhibition
el caballete
the easel
el mural
the mural
a painting made directly on the surface of a wall
las bellas artes
When singular ARTE is EL arte (m.), but when plural ARTE is Las artes (f.)
fine arts
la entrada, el billete
the ticket
la guía
the guide (book)
el plan, el mapa
del museo
the map
(of the museum)
la planta baja
In many museums floors are referred to as plantas (1er planta, 2a planta, etc.) Sometimes you might see the word PISO use to refer to upper floors.
the ground floor
las escaleras
the stairs
el ascensor
the elevator
la entrada
the entrance
la salida
the exit
los dibujos
the drawings
Está cerrado/a
It’s closed
Está abierto/a
It’s open
sino (que)
but rather
famous, celebrated
to acquire
partially disabled
el entrenamiento
the training
ser capaz de/ser capaces de
to be capable of
striking, remarkable, noteworthy
el taller
the workshop, artist studio
el tapiz, los tapices
tapestry, tapestries
wall hangings made of woven fabric.
el rey y la reina
the king and queen
la corte (real)
the (royal) court
mudarse a
to move to
change residence
marcharse de
to leave
los grabados
the engravings
a type of art
contratar / contradado
to hire / hired
el diseño
the design