Larynx: Cartilage, Ligaments, Membranes Flashcards
Biologic Functions of the Larynx:
- Prevent air from escaping
- Prevent objects from entering airway
- Expel threatening objects from larynx and airway
Non-Biologic Function of the Larynx:
- Sound generator
Hyoid Bone Landmarks:
- Body/Corpus
- Greater Cornua
- Lesser Cornua
Hyoid Bone Shape:
Letter āUā shaped floating structure
Hyoid bone moves ____1____, which causes _____2_____ and is important for ____3____.
- up and down
- changes to voice quality
- safe swallowing.
Hyoid bone is point of attachment for ___________.
At least 6 muscles
Thyroid Cartilage Landmarks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
- Superior Cornua
- Inferior Cornua
- Oblique Line
- Thyroid Angle- where left and right lamina meet
- Lamina- large sections of thyroid cartilage
- Thyroid Notch- dip between two lamina, above thyroid angle
Thyroid Cartilage Shape:
Shield-Like, largest cartilage in Larynx
Cricoid Cartilage Landmarks: 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Anterior Arch- curved front portion
- Lamina- twoāplate-likeā sides
- Facets- four places of attachment, 2 on superior surface for arytenoids and 2 on lateral surface for thyroid
- Posterior Quadrate Lamina
Cricoid Cartilage Shape:
Signet shaped āclass ringā
Cricoid Cartilage Location:
Most inferior cartilage of larynx, below thyroid cartilage and superior to trachea
Arytenoid Cartilage Landmarks: 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Apex
- Base
- Processes- two muscular and two vocal processes
- Three surfaces, pyramid-shaped
Arytenoid Cartilage Shape:
Arytenoid Cartilage Location:
Sits on surface of Cricoid Cartilage
Corniculate Cartilage Location:
One on the apex of each Arytenoid
Epiglottis Location:
Attaches to inner thyroid at the thyroid angle
Epiglottis Shape:
Large, Leaf-Like piece of cartilage
Epiglottis Function:
As larynx elevates in neck, epiglottis flips down to channel food into esophagus.
Cuneiform Cartilage Location:
Two cuneiform cartilages located in Aryepiglottic fold
Aryepiglottic Fold:
Fold of tissues running from arytenoids to epiglottis
Laryngeal Joints:
- Cricoarytenoid Joint
2. Cricothyroid Joint
Cricoarytenoid Joint Movements:
- Rocking, in and out
- Gliding, together and apart
- Rotation (slight)
Cricoarytenoid Joint Functions:
- Adduction and Abduction of vocal folds
- Changes the length of vocal folds
- Improves sound quality
Cricothyroid Joint Movements:
- Rotation, of thyroid up and down
2. Gliding, ant and post of horn
Cricothyroid Joint Functions:
- Stretching and shortening of vocal folds
2. Affects pitch (frequency)
Extrinsic Laryngeal Membranes and Ligaments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- Thyrohyoid membrane
- Middle Thyrohyoid Ligament
- Lateral Thyrohyoid Ligament
- Hyoepiglottic Ligament
- Cricotracheal Ligament
Extrinsic Layrngeal Membrane and Ligaments Function:
- Connect larynx to adjacent structures
Thyrohyoid Membrane Location:
Occupies space between the hyoid bone and superior border of thyroid cartilage
Middle Thyrohyoid Ligament Location:
Between corpus and thyroid notch
Lateral Thyrohyoid Ligament Location:
Between greater horns of hyoid and superior horns of thyroid cartilage
Hyoepiglottic Ligament:
Attaches hyoid to epiglottis
Cricotracheal Ligament:
Attaches cricoid cartilage to trachea, wraps around circularly
Intrinsic Laryngeal Membranes and Ligaments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
- Conus Elasticus
- Medial Cricothyroid Ligament
- Lateral Cricothyroid Membranes (vocal ligaments)
- . Quadrangular Membranes
- Ventricular/Vestibular Folds (ventricular ligaments)
- Aryepiglottic Folds
Superior vs Inferior Intrinsic Laryngeal Membranes and Ligaments:
- Superior:
- Inferior:
- Superior: Quadrangular Membranes
2. Conus Elasticus
Conus Elasticus Location:
- Connects:
- Runs from:
- Connects inner surface of cricoid with arytenoids and thyroid cartilages.
- Runs from cricoid arch to true vocal folds
Conus Elasticus Composed of:
- Medial Cricothyroid Ligament
2. Lateral Cricothyroid Membranes (Vocal Ligaments)
Quadrangular Membranes Location (connects):
Margins from lateral side of epiglottis, angle of thyroid cartilage, apex and medial surfaces of arytenoids.
Quadrangular Membrane Composed of:
- Ventricular Ligaments/Vestibular Folds (False vocal folds) (inferiorly)
- Aryepiglottic folds (superiorly)
Ventricular Folds aka ____1____ and are formed from the ____2_____.
- False Vocal Folds
2. Ventricular Ligament
Borders of Larynx:
- Superior:
- Inferior:
- Superior: Aditus Laryngis (entrance to larynx)
2. Inferior: cricoid cartilage
Larynx Spaces: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
- Glottis
- Supraglottal
- Vestibule
- Ventricle
- False Glottis
- Subglottal
Borders of Aditus Laryngis:
- Anterior:
- Posterior:
- Lateral:
- Anterior: Epiglottis
- Lateral: Aryepiglottic Folds
- Posterior: Apex of Arytenoids
Glottis Location:
Space between true vocal folds
Two parts of Glottis:
- Membraneous: space between membraneous part of vocal folds
- Cartilaginous: space between arytenoids
Supraglottal Location:
Space between Aditus Laryngis and Glottis
Supraglottal Spaces:
- Vestibule: region between Aditus Laryngis and ventricular ligaments (false vocal folds)
- Ventricle: space between false vocal folds and true vocal folds
- False Glottis: Space between false vocal folds
Subglottal Location:
Space below Glottis to inferior border of larynx
True Vocal Folds
- Orgin:
- Insertion:
- Course:
- Origin: inner thyroid cartilage at angle
- Insertion: Arytenoid Cartilages
- Course: Posterior
True Vocal Folds Composed of ___________.
5 Layers of Tissue
True Vocal Folds Layers, Superficial to Deep 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- Epithelium
- Superficial Lamina Propria
- Intermediate Lamina Propria
- Deep Lamina Propria
- Thyroarytenoid Muscle
True Vocal Folds Layers: Covers
- Epithelium
2. Superficial Lamina Propria
True Vocal Folds Layers: Comprise the Vocal Ligament:
- Intermediate Lamina Propria
2. Deep Lamina Propria
True Vocal Fold Layers: Thyroarytenoid Muscle Composition:
- Thyrovocalis Muscle (medial, closest to glottis)
2. Thyromuscularis Muscle: Lateral