Large Intestine Channel Flashcards
LI 1
- Radial nail point of the index
finger (thumb-side).
LI 2
- On the radial edge of the index finger, just distal to the MCP joint, where the base of the proximal phalangeal bone starts to flare out towards the knuckle. The point lies at the junction of change in skin tone and texture.
LI 3
- The point lies in a hollow just proximal to the head of the 2nd MCP bone. Make a loose fist. Find the radial side of the knuckle of the 2nd MCP joint, then slide proximal to the head of the 2nd MC bone. The point lies in a hollow between the bone and the muscle that pulls the index finger out towards the thumb (dorsal interosseus).
LI 4
- Forbidden in Pregnancy
- The point lies between the 1st and 2nd MC bones, towards the radial side of the 2nd MC bone. Feel along the 2nd MC bone to the beginning of the flare of the base of the bone. The point is at this level, in the muscle that pulls the index finger towards the thumb (dorsal interosseus).
LI 5
- The point is in the anatomical ‘snuffbox’, the hollow formed by the three tendons at the base of the thumb
(those of the extensor pollicis longus and
extensor pollicis brevis, dorsally and
abductor pollicis longus, laterally).
LI 6
– 3 cun proximal to LI 5 (12 cun to LI11) With the patient’s arm across their chest feel along the radial edge of the forearm.
-At 3 cun drop down slightly onto the dorsal surface of the forearm and feel for the hollow on the ulnar side of the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis. -To identify this tendon, ask the patient to clench their fist, and then feel for the point as they relax their hand.
LI 7- Warm Flow
- Xi-Cleft point
- 5 cun proximal to LI 5 on the line connecting LI 5 – LI 11. The point is on the radial side of the dorsal surface of
the arm, between the extensor carpi radialis and the brachioradialis muscle. (Lift arm against resistance)
LI 8 - Lower Ridge
8 cun proximal to LI 5 on the line connecting LI 5 – LI 11. The point is on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the arm between the extensor carpi Radialis and the brachioradialis muscles. (Lift against resistance)
LI 9 - Upper Ridge
9 cun proximal to LI 5 on the line connecting LI 5 – LI 11. The point is on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the arm between the extensor carpi Radialis and the brachioradialis. (Lift against resistance.
LI 10 - Arm 3 Miles
10 cun proximal to LI 5 on the line connecting LI 5 – LI 11. The point is on the radial side of the dorsal surface of the arm between the brachioradialis and the extensor carpi Radialis.
LI 11 - crooked Pond
- Earth Point
- Tonification Point
- He-Sea Point
- With the elbow flexed at a right angle, the point is found in the depression at the lateral end of the elbow crease, half-way between Lu 5 and the highest point of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.The point is found at the origin of the muscles that pull back the wrist
(extensor carpi radialis).