language production Flashcards
speech production
2-3 words per second (-150 words per minute)
use strategies to reduce processing when planning speech
- preformulation: production of phrases used before. language and culture have influence. e.g. a piece of cake
- under specification: use of simplified expressions, common, use as pauses to fill in the gap e.g. or something
effect of intoxication
- reveals complexities about speech production
- impairs attention, memory, thinking and reasoning
- produce more dysfluencies e.g. stuttering
- slower speaking rate (hollien et al)
- reduction in richness and creativity
speech planning
first stage occurs at different levels
- part of sentence containing a subject and a verb e.g. the dog is sleeping
a group of words that express a single idea e.g. on the bed
clause level
speech errors provide evidence that speech planning extends over the clause
phrase level
(martin et al)
- describe moving pictures
two differing conditions
1. simple initial known phrase e.g. the tie moves
2.conjoined initial noun phrase e.g. the tie and candle move
speech errors
- generally accurate when speaking but sometimes prone to error
- not random but systematic
- provides insight into how cognitive systems work
word exchange
speech planning extends over the entire clause
sound or phoneme exchange
sound of words planned shortly in advance
initial letter of two words are switched
semantic substitution
word replaced by another similar meaning
morpheme exchange
inflexions/suffixes attached to wrong words
morpheme exchange
inflexions/suffixes attached to wrong words