Language Features Flashcards
Simile: A comparison between objects using the words ____________________ or ________________
Like or As
Metaphor: A comparison between two objects by saying one thing _________________ another thing
Hyperbole: Deliberate _______________________ for ________________________
Exaggeration for Effect
Onomatopoeia: A word formed from a __________________________
Alliteration: Repeated ____________________________ sounds in the first letter of consecutive words
Assonance: Repeated ________________________ sounds in consecutive words
Sibilance: The same as _______________________ but only when the repeated sound is an ________ sound
Alliteration, ‘S’
Identify the sound device used in the following sentenceSeven salamanders circled the house
Identify the figurative device used in the following sentenceHe ran like the wind
Identify the sound device used in the following sentenceWhizz
Identify the figurative device used in the following sentenceI opened the cupboard and a thousand cockroaches ran out
Identify the sound device used in the following sentenceThe opal glow of the Hauraki gulf
Identify the figurative device used in the following sentenceThe tree shed her autumn dress and stood naked all winter
Personification (because wearing clothes is an exclusively human characteristic)
Identify the figurative device used in the following sentenceThe wind bit into me
Metaphor (not personification as biting is not an exclusively human characteristic)
Identify the sound device used in the following sentenceLeon likes lollies
Identify the figurative device defined belowA comparison between TWO objects using the words LIKE or AS
Identify the figurative device defined belowA comparison between two DISSIMILAR objects by saying one thing IS another thing
Identify the figurative device defined belowDeliberate EXAGGERATION for EFFECT
Identify the sound device defined belowA word formed from a SOUND
Identify the sound device defined belowRepeated CONSONANT sounds in the FIRST letter of consecutive words
Identify the sound device defined belowRepeated VOWEL sounds which can be ANYWHERE in the words
Identify the sound device defined belowThe same as CONSONANCE but only when the repeated sound is an ‘S’ sound
Identify the figurative device in the following quote“you could actually see a tiny little golden spark dancing in the middle of each eye”
Identify the figurative device defined belowA figure of speech in which a thing, an idea or an animal is given human attributes. The non-human objects are portrayed in such a way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings.
Identify the figurative device in the following quote“His hands were as big as wheelbarrows”
“A dream…makes a tiny little buzzing-humming sound” Which two words which are examples of ONOMATOPOEIA?
“Dreams…float around in the night air like little clouds” – what two things are being compared in this SIMILE? Which word that shows us that this sentence is a simile?
Dreams and cloudsLike
“his black coat was streaming out behind him like the wings of a bird” What two things are being compared in this SIMILE? Which word that shows us that this sentence is a simile?
Coat and wingsLike
“A petrol engine is sheer magic” Which two things are being compared in this METAPHOR?
Petrol engine and magic
“They will all purr and hum and roar” What SOUND DEVICE is used to make this description come alive for the reader?
“Plots and plans and new ideas came flying off him like sparks from a grindstone” – is this comparison a SIMILE or a METAPHOR? How do you know?
Simile Like
“The kite…was just a small blue dot dancing in the sky” what figurative device is being used to give the kite human qualities?
“The kite…was…miles above my head” what figurative device is Roald Dahl using here to deliberately exaggerate how high the kite is?
“It was like a magic fire-ball in the sky” – is this comparison a SIMILE or a METAPHOR? How do you know?
A ________________ is a comparison saying that a person, place, animal or thing IS some thing else (not just LIKE it!). Metaphors are stronger images than similes. They don’t mean exactly what the words say.
“I listened for the usual workshop sounds, the little clinking noises of metal against metal or the tap of a hammer” – identify two examples of ONOMATOPOEIA in this sentence
“his eyes were shining like stars” - is this comparison a SIMILE or a METAPHOR? What two things are being compared?
SimileEyes and Stars
“the great trees are spreading their branches high above you like black ghosts” - is this comparison a SIMILE or a METAPHOR? What two things are being compared?
SimileTrees and ghosts
“the shadows…are darker than a wolf’s mouth” – this is a COMPARATIVE which tells us how dark the shadows are by COMPARING them to something else. What are the shadows being COMPARED to here?
A wolf’s mouth
“The motor coughed once, then started” – what figurative device gives the car HUMAN QUALITIES?
“Its headlamps were like two dazzling white eyes” - is this comparison a SIMILE or a METAPHOR? What two things are being compared?
SimileHeadlamps and Eyes
“SWISH! The thing went past me like a bullet” – what SOUND DEVICE shows the reader how quickly the police car was travelling?
“SWISH! The thing went past me like a bullet” – what FIGURATIVE DEVICE shows the reader how quickly the police car was travelling?
“it makes me madder than a mackerel” – is ‘madder’ a COMPARATIVE or a SUPERLATIVE?
“to Mr Hazell it is the greatest day in the year” – is ‘greatest’ a COMPARATIVE or a SUPERLATIVE?
“For one day in the year he becomes a big cheese in a little world” – what FIGURATIVE DEVICE has been used here?
“Clink…clink…clink” – what SOUND DEVICE is being used here?
“five eggs of the purest blue” – identify the SUPERLATIVE in this sentence
“The weasel is the bravest of all animals” - identify the SUPERLATIVE in this sentence
“he would smile back at her in the soppiest way you can imagine” - identify the SUPERLATIVE in this sentence
“They fell with a soft little patter, like raindrops on dry leaves” – what FIGURATIVE DEVICE is being used here?
“We lay there for what seemed like a hundred years” - what FIGURATIVE DEVICE is being used here?
“The silver buttons on his uniform sparkled like diamonds” - what FIGURATIVE DEVICE is being used here?
“The finest and most succulent dish on earth!” – identify the SUPERLATIVES
FinestMost succulent
“Kings and queens don’t live any better than that” – identify the COMPARATIVE
“That was the greatest time I’ve ever had in my whole life” – identify the SUPERLATIVE
“He spoke her name proudly, as through he were a commander referring to his bravest officer” - what FIGURATIVE DEVICE is being used here?
“He spoke her name proudly, as through he were a commander referring to his bravest officer” – identify the SUPERLATIVE
“a great cloud of pheasants” – identify the METAPHOR
“The language he used was so foul and filthy it scorched my earholes” – is this a SIMILE or a METAPHOR? What two things are being compared?
MetaphorWords and fire
“my father was the most marvelous and exciting father” – is this a COMPARATIVE or a SUPERLATIVE?