Eddie the Eagle Flashcards
Is this verbal or visual? “Nice jacket, what happened to the other one?” Peary tells Eddie “Without the booze, I wouldn’t even have the guts to do that jump”
Is this verbal or visual? Shots tighten from mid-shots to close-ups as the argument becomes more emotional
Is this verbal or visual? First time we see Bronson Peary – low angle tilt shot creates suspense and demonstrates his physical superiority over Eddie
Is this verbal or visual? Two-shot of Eddie and Peary on the plane toasting his success with glasses of milk
Is this verbal or visual? Inverted, bird’s eye, medium close up of Eddie lying at the bottom of the 40m jump – bird’s eye makes him look weak/powerless, medium close up (MCU) shows physical pain as a result of the crash, inverted perspective shows lack of ability to land the jump regardless of his confidence/ambition
Identify the angle

Low angle
Identify the shot and angle

Medium long shot low angle
Is this verbal or visual? Diegetic sound effect of the heart rate monitor beeping – emphasises how serious his situation is
Is this verbal or visual? Diegetic sound “Competing in the Olympics doesn’t mean anything if you sell yourself short”
Is this verbal or visual? “In Norway, the time to be starting jumping is six”
Is this verbal or visual? Historical footage from the games
Identify the shot

Two shot
Is this verbal or visual? Props - Peary drinking lemonade shows that he is no longer reliant on alcohol for confidence
Is this verbal or visual? At the climax, over-the-shoulder shots are used to allow us to understand how the characters are struggling to convey their ideas about what Olympic glory actually means to each other
Is this verbal or visual? Peary holds out the hip flask – shallow focus shot
Is this verbal or visual? Reaction shot of Peary as Eddie announces that he is going to attempt the 90m jump
Identify the shot and the angle

Medium close up low angle
Is this verbal or visual? “You Make My Dreams,” Hall and Oates 1981 “What I got – full stock of thoughts and dreams that scatter/And you pull them all together/And how I can’t explain oh yeah/Well, well, you /you make my dreams come true.” The music is similarly edgy, presenting a melody that pits staccato verses full of odd stops and starts with a smooth, soulful chorus.
Is this verbal or visual? Costume – Peary comes to Calgary wearing his jacket with the Olympic rings on it
Identify the shot

Medium close up reaction shot
Is this verbal or visual? “some of you have even soared like an eagle” – non-diegetic voiceover
Is this verbal or visual? Peary “this is my jacket pal”
Identify the shot

Two shot
Identify the shot and angle

Medium close up low angle
Is this verbal or visual? No background music because the acting and tone of voice convey the mood – intense, frustrated, sad (diegetic sound)
Is this verbal or visual? CU shot of Eddie’s helmet
Is this verbal or visual? Hospital scene – Long shot of Eddie with low-key lighting creating a somber, lonely mood.
Is this verbal or visual? Montage of Eddie and Peary training on the European circuit – two shots
Identify the shot and angle

Low angle two shot (also a mid shot)
Is this verbal or visual? Montage in the first 5 minutes of the film establishes Eddie’s ambition to be an Olympian
Is this verbal or visual? Non-diegetic sound – voiceover from Warren Sharp “he was the most naturally gifted ski jumper I have ever trained”
Is this verbal or visual? Bronson has the ability to do the 90m jump at night, with no helmet, while drunk and smoking a cigarette – low angle and CGI
Is this verbal or visual? “Eddie, you are not an athlete”
Who directed Eddie the Eagle?
Dexter Fletcher
What are the three key production techniques in Eddie the Eagle?
montages, low and high angle shots, and the use of non-diegetic sound
What is the production technique?

What is the production technique?

Low angle
What is the production technique?

Low angle
What is the production technique?

High angle
What is the production technique?

High angle
Eddie the Eagle is directed by ______________
Dexter Fletcher
In Eddie the Eagle, directed by Dexter Fletcher, a number of important _____________ _____________are used to convey key qualities that the two protagonists share
production techniques
In Eddie the Eagle, directed by Dexter Fletcher, three important production techniques are: __________ ___________________ __________________
montages, low and high angle shots, and the use of non-diegetic sound in the film
Fletcher combines these production techniques to highlight three qualities that protagonists Eddie Edwards and Bronson Peary share which are ____________
confidence in their own abilities, ambition to achieve Olympic glory, and physical ability in ski jumping
Montages are a key production technique used by Fletcher to convey information about __________________ to the audience.
Eddie’s life
Traditionally, ___________ are seen as an editing technique that can’t create strong emotions, but that is not the case in Eddie the Eagle.
Composer _________________ argues that in the opening montage “you just fall in love with his character” so that “you’re rooting for him 110%”.
Matthew Margeson
2 quotes from Matthew Margeson about the opening montage are _____________
“you just fall in love with his character” so that “you’re rooting for him 110%”
What is the second key montage?
the European Circuit montage
What is the background music in the European Circuit montage?
Hall and Oates’ 1981 hit ‘You Make My Dreams’
What kind of mood does Hall and Oates’ 1981 hit ‘You Make My Dreams’ create?
an upbeat, positive mood through the combination of staccato verses and a smooth, soulful chorus
Why do the montages work well?
They help to portray Eddie’s confidence and ambition to achieve Olympic glory, and the optimistic mood that they create mean that, as the audience, we buy into Eddie’s journey.
What key production technique is used by Fletcher to show the contrast in Peary’s and Eddie’s physical ability?
Camera angles
Why are high angle shots used to portray Eddie?
because they show his weakness and incompetence
Why is Peary often shot using low angles?
to show his superior ability in ski jumping.
When Eddie is trying to land the 40m jump what camera angles are used?
he is primarily shot through high angles and bird’s eye view showing the viewer his lack of technique and ability.
When Eddie meets Peary for the first time, what camera angles are used?
the camera cuts from a bird’s eye view shot of Eddie lying in the snow to a close-up of Peary’s feet.
What does the camera do when Peary is first introduced?
The camera slows pans up to reveal a low angle mid shot of Peary silhouetted by the sun, showing his superiority.
What camera angle is used when Peary jumps the 90m?
Fletcher uses a low angle mid-shot of Peary sitting at the top of the jump smiling directly at the camera to show Peary’s confidence and ability.
What is special about the shots of Peary jumping the 90m?
This is the only jump shot in the film created with CGI because Peary isn’t wearing a helmet, and this lack of protection also emphasises his confidence.
What is an important verbal production technique in the film?
non-diegetic sound
What is the purpose of non-diegetic sound in the film?
to add more information and emotion to the shots.
What non-diegetic sound is used in the hospital scene?
Warren Sharp’s voiceover
What is the purpose of Warren Sharp’s voiceover?
It adds to our understanding of Eddie’s character: Sharp says “It’s about never giving up, no matter what” and this makes Peary aware of how significant Eddie’s ambition and confidence really are, despite his lack of physical ability.
When is Non-diegetic sound also used?
in Eddie’s final jump as a voiceover from his father, “Eddie, you are not an athlete” starts to undermine his self-belief and combines with the reaction shots to enhance our understanding of Eddie’s heroism and bravery at this point.
Why do these three production techniques – montages, camera angles and non-diegetic sound - make Eddie the Eagle a worthwhile film to watch?
Because they all help to reveal various aspects of the two protagonists’ personalities, namely confidence, ambition and physical ability. These production techniques enhance our understanding of these qualities in Eddie and Peary, and therefore make the film more enjoyable to watch.