Language Development - Expressive Language Flashcards
At what age can a child coo?
6 weeks
At what age can a child make happy sounds when spoken to?
3 months
At what age can a child babble with repeated sounds e.g. dah-dah?
6 months
At what age can a child laugh and chuckle when happy?
6 months
At what age can a child make sounds to gain attention?
9 months
At what age will a child’s babbling become longer and babble when alone?
9 months
At what age is a child’s babbling more tuneful and in long strings?
12 months
At what age can a child raise their voice to gain attention?
12 months
At what age can a child continue to babble?
15 months
At what age can a child use 2-6 words?
15 months
At what age can a child talk using babbling and different sounds when alone?
18 months
At what age can a child use 6-20 words?
18 months
At what age can a child echo last words back when an adult talks?
18 months
At what age can a child use 50 or more words?
2 years
At what age can a child put two words together to make simple sentences?
2 years
At what age can a child refer to themselves by name?
2 years
At what age can a child talk to themselves?
2 years
At what age can a child echo back words when adults are talking?
2 years
At what age can a child use 200 or more words?
2 year 6 months
At what age can a child know their full name?
2 years 6 months
At what age can a child constantly ask simple questions such as what and where?
2 year 6 months
At what age might a child stutter?
2 year 6 months
At what age can a child know and say a few rhymes?
2 year 6 months
At what age can a child ask many questions beginning with what, why and who?
3 years
At what age is speech more tuneful?
3 years
At what age can a child use a large vocabulary?
3 years
At what age can a child use I, me, he and him?
3 years
At what age can a child’s speech be mostly understood by others?
3 years
At what age can a child be easily understood by others?
4 years
At what age is most of what a child says grammatically correct?
4 years
At what age does a child love asking questions?
4 years
At what age does a child enjoy telling stories?
4 years
At what age does a child often ask the meaning of words or the word for an object?
5 years
At what age does a child love using words accurately and will correct others e.g. that’s not a shoe it’s a boot?
5 years
At what age can a child argue and squabble using language?
5 years