Intellectual Development Flashcards
At what age can a child learn to see all of the colours?
0-3 months (at birth it is thought they can only see shades of black and white)
At what age can a child focus on objects held close?
0 - 3 months
At what age can a child notice when objects are moving?
0-3 months
At what age can a child recognise familiar faces (thus using their memory)?
3-6 months
At what age can a child start to notice and interpret people’s facial expressions?
3-6 months
At what age can a child recognises and thus remembers familiar sounds?
3-6 months
At what age can a child recognise when things are far away?
6-9 months
At what age can a child be intrigued when things appear to be strange or impossible (e.g. things that dangle in mid air)?
6-9 months
At what age can a child remember simple games and will show excitement?
6-9 months
At what age can a child develop object permanence?
9-12 months
At what age can a child show interest in simple puzzles (e.g. pop-up toys)?
9-12 months
At what age can a child remember how simple toys work?
9-12 months
At what age can a child point to a named picture?
1-2 years
At what age can a child remember simple games?
1-2 years
At what age can a child remember how to push buttons on toys to make sounds or lights flash?
1-2 years
At what age can a child understand that it is their own reflection in a mirror?
1-2 years
At what age can a child manage a simple puzzle of 3 pieces?
2-3 years
At what age can a child copy a circle?
2-3 years
At what age can a child point to a little teddy or big teddy?
2-3 years
At what age can a child stack beakers in order?
2-3 years
At what age can a child match three colours?
2-3 years
At what age can a child tell if an object is heavy?
3-4 years
At what age can a child match one-to-one (e.g. putting one cup with one saucer)?
3-4 years
At what age can a child know red, blue and green?
3-4 years
At what age can a child sort simple objects (e.g. put all the blue buttons in one place)?
3-4 years
At what age can a child pick up a number of objects, up to ten?
4-5 years
At what age can a child name times of the day associated with different activities e.g. bedtime?
4-5 years
At what age can a child match symbols e.g. letters and numbers?
4-5 years
At what age can a child count to 20?
4-5 years
At what age can a child plan what to play with?
4-5 years
At what age can a child understand that there are rules and can explain them to others?
4-5 years