Language Flashcards
agrammatic aphasia
difficulty producing and/or understanding the structure of sentences. agrammatic aphasia is seen in brain-damaged patients who may speak using only content words, leaving out function words such as ‘the’ and ‘a’
a neurological syndrome in which the ability to read is disrupted. alexia is frequently referred to as ‘acquired alexia’ to indicate that it results from a neurological disturbance such as a stroke, usually including the occipitoparietal region of the left hemisphere. in contrast, ‘developmental alexia’ (dyslexia) refers to problems in reading that are apparent during child development. the phrases acquired alexia and developmental alexia are commonly used to indicate that reading is abnormal, either from a neurological disturbance or as part of development.
difficulty generating the words used to label things in the world. patient H.W. -> Patient had no impairment in object knowledge. Patient knew
what the object was but simply could not produce the word for it.
broad term for
collective deficits in language
comprehension and
production that accompany
neurological damage
difficulty pronouncing words
arcuate fasciculus
a white matter tract that connects the posterior temporal region with frontal brain regions and is believed to transmit language-related information between the posterior and anterior brain regions
broca’s aphasia
speech difficulties in the absence of severe comprehension problems. broca’s aphasics may also suffer from problems in fully comprehending grammatically complex sentences
The speech output of this patient is slow and
effortful, and it lacks function words. It resembles a
* (b) Broca’s aphasia patients also may have
accompanying problems with speech articulation
because of deficits in regulation of the articulatory
apparatus (e.g., muscles of the tongue).
* (c) Finally, these patients sometimes have a hard
time understanding reversible sentences, where a
full understanding of the sentence depends on
correct syntactic assignment of the thematic roles
(e.g., who hit whom).
Brain damage and language deficits
broca’s area
an area located in the left hemisphere of the frontal cortex that is important to language production
-> pars triangularis (front) and pars opercularis (back)
conduction aphasia
a form of aphasia that is considered a disconnection syndrome. condition aphasia may occur when the arcuate fasciculus, the pathway from wernicke’s area to broca’s area, is damaged, thereby disconnecting the posterior and anterior language areas
difficulty saying words
lexical access
the process by which perceptual inputs activate word formation in the mental lexicon, including semantic and syntactic information about the word
lexical integration
the function of words being integrated into a full sentence, discourse, or large current context to discern the message
lexical selection
the process of selecting from a collection of representations the activated word that best matches the sensory input
mental lexicon
a mental store of information about words, including semantic information (meaning of the words), syntactic information (rules for using the words), and the details of word forms (spelling and sound patterns)
organization of mental lexicon:
1. morpheme, 2. frequently accessed words more quickly than less frequently accessed words, 3. phoneme, 4. representations in the mental lexicon are organised according to semantic relationships
-> semantic network model - the strength of the connection and the distance between the nodes are determined by the semantic or associative relations between the words (car -> truck)
the smallest grammatical unit of a language that carries bits of meaning. morphemes may or may not be whole words
N400 response
a negative-polarity event-related potential that is elicited by words and that is larger in amplitude for words that do not fit well into the sentence context
(semantic violations at the end of the sentence) - (may be likely to be elicited from left temporal cortex)
orthographic form
the vision-based form of a word in written language
P600 response
a positive-polarity event-related potential elicited when words violate syntactic rules in sentences. it is also seen in some cases of semantic violations with correct syntax
the smallest perceived unit of sound in a language
phonological form
the sound-based form of a word in spoken language
semantic paraphasia
use the word horse when they
mean cow. This supports the idea that mental
lexicon contains semantic networks of words
having related meanings clustered together.
wernicke’s aphasia patients often produce semantic paraphasia
Sylvian fissure
a large fissure (sulcus) on the lateral surface of the cerebral cortex. separates the frontal cortex from the temporal lobe below
syntactic parsing
when brain assigns a syntactic structure to words in sentences
the rules that constrain word combinations and sequences in a sentence
wernicke’s aphasia
disorder in language
* More recent studies showed that damage to
surrounding tissue or to the white matter is
causing Wernicke’s aphasia.
wernicke’s area
speech comprehension
tip of the tongue effect
happens when you’re trying to remember something—like a word or a name—and you feel like you almost have it, but can’t quite recall it completely.
Anatomy of language
big intelligent sharks swim superbly in awesome waters
Broca’s area, Inferior frontal cortex, Sylvian fissure, Superior temporal gyrus, Supramarginal gyrus, Inferior parietal lobule, Angular gyrus, Wernicke’s area
-> predominantly in the left hemisphere
conduction aphasia
damage to the arcuate
fasciculus (connecting Broca’s and Wenicke’s
area) should result in conduction aphasia:
patient can understand the words they see or
hear and and they are able to hear their own
speech errors but cannot repair them
Lichtheim’s theory
Lichtheim introduced a third region in
addition to Broca’s and Wernicke’s area.
* Lichtheim proposed a third region that
stored conceptual information about words
* According to Lichtheim, once a word was
retrieved from word storage, it was sent to
the concept area, which supplied all
information that was associated with the
* Currently, the model does not correspond
to what we know about neuroanatomy, but
nevertheless it was an influential model.
neural substrates of mental lexicon
just seeing a living thing (basic identification) -> posterior occipitotemporal sites
identifying the thing -> posterior occipitotemporal sites and anteromedial temporal lobes
understanding speech
Newborns have ability to distinguish all possible
* We speak about 15 phonemes per second and
around 180 words per minute.
* About 40 different phonemes in English language.
segmentation problem
how do we segment all the auditory sounds we hear into different words?
-> prosodic information: what the listener can derive from speech rhythm and pitch of the speaker’s voice
heschl’s gyri
area for main auditory input and known as auditory association cortex
-Acoustic sensitivity decreases moving
anteriorly, inferiorly, and posteriorly away
from primary auditory cortex, while
sensitivity to speech increases
-So hierarchical processing is a key
organizational aspect of the human cortical
auditory system
Connectome based symptom lesion mapping (CLSM)
produces a
statistical relationship for the strength of
connections among all brain regions from a
standard brain atlas and the behavioral deficits of
the patients
selfridge model
Image demons: Represent raw visual input (e.g., a letter image).
* Feature demons: Detect specific features like vertical lines, curves, or angles.
* Cognitive demons: Represent specific letters and “shout” if their features are present.
* Decision demon: Listens to the shouting and selects the loudest cognitive demon, identifying the letter
Bottom-up, feed-forward process.
* Relies heavily on feature detection.
* Simple and intuitive, explaining how letters can be recognized based on their visual components.
Mclelland & Rumelhart
visual letter recognition
developed a new computational model for visual letter recognition
three layers: 1. features, 2. letters, 3. representation of words
allows for top-down information (i.e. information from the
higher cognitve levels, such as the word layer) to influence earlier processes that happen at
lower levels of representation (the letter layer and the feature layer). Also explains bottom up
selfridge vs. mcclellan
McClelland & Rumelhart model allows for parallel processing such that letters can be
processed at the same time, whereas in Selfridge’s model, one letter is processed at a time in
a serial manner.
McClelland & Rumelhart model does excellent job in explaining real life phenomena such as
the word superiority effect (i.e. words are recognized better than non-words), suggesting that
words are not perceived letter by letter.
visual word formation area
occipitotemporal cortex
area responsible for viewing letter strings
Damage to VWFA results in alexia (condition
whereby patients cannot read words though
other aspects of language are normal).
-> more strongly connected with areas within the left perisylvian language system
three classes of models that explain word comprehension
- modular models:
language comprehension is executed within separate and independent modules →
higher-level representations cannot influence lower-level ones (flow is bottom-up) - interactive models:
all types of information can participate in word recognition → context can
have its influence even before the sensory information is available. - hybrid models:
(in between modular and interactive models) Lexical access is autonomous and not
influenced by higher-level information, but lexical selection can be influenced by sensory and
higher-level contextual information.
Language comprehension: later steps
did study to examine modular versus interactive model and found
evidence for top down context (so interactive model)
* Higher order semantic processing is important to determine the right sense of
meaning of words in the context of a sentence.
If a sentence still has syntactic structure we can process it still but if sentence lacks
meaning and structure we don’t process it well.
dashed waveform
word in a sentence that is syntactically anomalous
solid waveform
word in a sentence that is syntactically correct
syntactic positive shift
In the anomalous sentence, a positive shift (shaded) emerges in the ERP waveform at about
600 ms after the syntactic violation.
left anterior negativity (LAN)
syntactic violations (“the red eats”)
complexity of syntactic structures - Caplan et al
Blood flow increased in left inferior prefrontal cortex (red spots) when participants processed
complex syntactic structures relative to simple ones.
PET activations in the anterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus (STG) related to
syntactic processing. IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; MTG = middle temporal gyrus
lesions in the anterior superior temporal cortex lead to… (dronkers)
…deficits in syntactic processing
Thus: network of inferior frontal gyrus and superior temporal cortex involved in syntactic
three language elements of the brain (hagoort)
proposes three elements:
- memory (left temporal lobe): linguistic knowledge that is encoded and consolidated in neocortical memory
systems. Knowledge about building blocks of language (e.g. phonological, morphological,
and syntactic units) is domain specific and coded differently from visual feature or object
- unification (left inferior frontal gyrus): the integration of lexically retrieved phonological, semantic, and syntactic
information into an overall representation of the whole utterance. Unification can occur in
- control (lateral and medial frontal gyrus): relates language to social interactions and joint action (e.g. in bilingualism and in
taking turns during a conversation).
levels model of speech production
Word production proceeds through stages of
conceptual preparation, lexical selection,
morphological (i.e. assembling morphemes) and
phonological (convert morpheme to sequence of
sound) encoding, phonetic (convert phonological
representation into motor output) encoding, and
articulation. Speakers monitor their own speech
by making use of their comprehension system.
(levelt model example slide 50-1)
Hickok Hierarchical state feedback control (HSFC)
model (2012)
Other models have emphasized the motor
component in speech and is a model of parallel
processing and two levels of hierarchical control.
* Input to the HSFC model begins with activation
of a conceptual representation that in turn
excites a corresponding word representation.
* At this point, parallel processing begins in
sensory and motor systems, both of which have
hierarchical control organization.
* Higher level codes speech information on the
syllable level. The lower level codes speech at
the articulatory features that correspond to
HSFC model Speech production is
organized into higher-level linguistic planning
and lower-level motor execution.
* At each level of the hierarchy, the system
maintains a representation of the current
state of speech production:
* Linguistic State: Represents phonemes,
syllables, or words to be produced.
* Motor State: Represents the articulation
commands needed to execute speech.
* The model uses internal feedback loops to
monitor and adjust speech production
left hemispheric dominance
Humans have robust interconnectivity of the inferior frontal cortex, inferior parietal cortex,
and temporal cortex, especially lateral and inferior temporal cortex by massive projections of
the arcuate fasciculus. The white matter tracts of the chimpanzee and the macaque monkey
show greatly reduced or absent projections into lateral and inferior temporal cortex.