Landside Specific Flashcards
What are FPCON’s?
FPCON Normal, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta
What the the threat levels?
Low, Moderate, Significant, High
What are the five (5) objectives of a successful AT/FP plan?
Deter, Detect, Defend, Mitigate, and Recover.
How do you achieve defense in depth?
Engaging enemies at the earliest opportunity with security forces.
Employing weapons at their max effective ranges.
Using blocking positions, obstacles and supplementary positions throughout area. Properly employ and maneuver supplementary forces (React).
Who has the authority to change FPCONs?
The CO. The ATTWO can only recommend.
At a minimum, how many ECPs should be established?
Minimum of two (2).
What angle should your ECP be in relation to the main traffic route?
90 degrees
What does RAM stand for?
Random Anti-Terrorism Measure.
What is the minimum stand off distance from an IED?
300 meters
What does “secure comms” mean in regard to an IED threat?
Transmitting is secured with 50 meters. Receiving is allowed. Don’t turn off comms.