Landscape: -Types, -Styles, -Principles and -Movements Flashcards
concept of horizontal and vertical movement for cities -heights- grand stairs, water from fountains - spatial drama
late 18th century
romanticism replaced classical orders. Rococo was flowering. liberation of English garden -> freedom from autocratic rule
Arts and Craft movement (nederlands)
ambacht - eerlijke materialen en constructies. plezier in het werk, antimachine, sociaal geinspereerd, romantisch-socialisme
Arts and Craft movement (english)
Architecture for the sake of beauty, honesty of materials, power of impression, inspiration from nature, commemorative quality, flowers & topiary
a mentally that values particular cultures and vanished epochs
Landschapstheorie 18e eeuw
The beautiful (schoonheid in kunst, het pestorale idyllische, romantisch beeld van boeren leven). The picturesque. The sublime (schoonheid uit het menselijke schaal overstijgend)
17e eeuw
frans autoritair systeem: de tuin als machtssymbool, wetenschappelijk modernisme in westerse cultuur. Hortis conclusis abandoned. classical style combined with Italian Baroque laid basis for city.
20e eeuw
people no longer looked to the past traditions for inspiration and a sense of continuity with history, they looked to the present and future as the only reliable basis for knowledge.
expression of functional machinelike order and practibility - functionalist approach - Bauhaus - Le Corbusier - ease of movement - consequent liberation - innovation - free-standing sculptures
light and decorative - elegance and delicacy of detail - naturalistic floral and rustic forms - highly picturesque scenery - exoticism - ornamental structures
19e eeuw
franse en industriele revolutie, slechte werkomstandigheden in fabrieken -> volksparken. wegennet als integraal onderdeel van volksgroen. belang circulatiesysteem, carriage drive
16e eeuw
natuur en kunst met elkaar verweven, kunst and ambacht vulden elkaar aan, konden alleen dankzij elkaar bestaan. ambacht en kennis was ook kunst.
Roman Landscape ()
roman villa’s - mythic - water - sculptures - mosaic - plants - spiritual mood
Amerika - grid - wards -> (vierkante units: groen, woning, 2 grote gebouwen) - utilitarian gardens: farms & orchards - gravel paths - topiaries - plantation
Jean - Marie Morelle, definitie landschapsarchitect (Architecte - paysagiste)
- je moet snappen wat de processen zijn en wat ze teweeg brengen. - je moet kaarten kunnen lezen en maken - je moet een kritische houding over natuur hebben
Rousseausque principles
- Garden as privileged space for enlightenment reversie 2. nature as imaginations muse 3. rustic simplicity as means to virtue
Chinese gardening
one with nature - energy/spirits - abstract beauty of rocks & minerals - mountains ->immortality - calligraphy, paintings, poetry - pine bamboo plum - qi
principles of Le Notre’s approach (by Dezallier)
-make art yield nature -excessive ornament abandoned -never cloud or darken garden -not make garden too open -manipulate the terrain and planting to conceal the garden boundaries
Garden Cities of tomorrow
Ebenezer Howard, Reactie op dichtheid bebouwing industriele stad, slechte woonomstandigheden, idealisme en utopie op praktische pragmatische grondslag, community denken
Nieuwe bouwen (20th century)
functionalisme - nieuwe constructies - nieuwe materialen; staal en glas - transparantie - functionele plattegrond - standardisatie - machine esthetiek - Tabula rasa
Gilded Age , Italianate design
Compartimentalized gardens - concealment - surprise - spatial intimacy - expression of cultural status
Edwardian garden
sheer aestheticism - art for arts sake - idyllic retreat - recreational refugee, 2 types: formal and survivalistic - geometric lines and flower borders
Romanticism (late 18th century)
public parks movement - spiritual counterbalance to scientific rationalism of the enlightenment - cultural groundwork for individual rights
18e eeuw
bevrijdt van het religieuze, staatkundige en traditionele jurk - de verlichting: rede, vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap - introduceren van de klassieke oudheid, reiken naar gouden eeuw
Victorian gardens (19th century)
picturesque tradition combined with romantic spirit - industrial materials - architecture of other ages - efficiency - knot-gardens - mazes - topiary - less grandeur than french gardens
Jardin anglais (french picturesque style)
independent phenomena - contemporary english gardens (influenced by) - rococo features - fabriques - two types: theatrical, exotic and libertine anglo-chinois, moral and sentimental rousseauesque characteristics
Industrial revolution (19e eeuw)
child labour - illness - personal pleasure promoted - pleasure garden - recreational preserve - reserve of modernism
Middle Ages (>5th century)
good and evil - heaven and hell - human and divine - enclosure - medieval garden - gate and fence - locus amoenus -> earthly paradise
English landscape style
Palladianism - classical ornament - real & fabricated ruins - thematic itineraries of allegorical heroism - Augustan Amateurs - grassy hills - wooden bridge
French Renaissance
firmly rooted in italian style - limitlessness by axes - needed money to survive - dutch variant: defined by water, english variant: scientific approach waterworks and grottoes
Italian Renaissance (15th century)
Allegories - elongated axes - unending universe - ancient roman architecture - humanism - theater for the initiated - giardino segreto -> secluded & enclosed garden room
Picturesque (19th century)
cementaries, “looking for the picturesque”, intricacy - variety - outcrops of rock - contrast of dark and light - grouping of trees - still popular till 1900’s
City beautiful movement (20th century)
monumental planning - paris beaux-arts - neoclassical monuments - axial planning - naturalistic landscaping complemented Beaux-Arts architectural gardens
classical myth - christian mystery - natural world - westerse esoteriek - symbolen in kunst
New Urbanism
street pattern and land use of the old 19th century - socially vibrant environment - better homes for the poor - discipline the automobile - compact in scale
De Stijl 1918
nieuwe beelding - Abstractie - universele waarden - niet verhalend - (anti -individualistisch, -ornamental, -emotie, -natuur) - nieuwe concepten natuur -> Licht, Zon, Lucht
First, second and third nature
garden is the third, agrarian the second and wilderness the first