Influencial persons in garden landscape architecture Flashcards
Frederick Law Olmsted & Vaux
They created the Greensward plan, which is characterized by a pastoral, picturesque landscape design. The landscape has rolling contours and ponds. They both believed that parks in cities would act as a civilizing force in society. They want to create rural scenery!
Kent and Bridgeman
Kent was a theater and set designer, who thought scenically. Bridgman on the other hand possessed the technical and horticultural knowledge that Kent lacked.
Sixtus V.
Sixtus V was a visionary leader. Rome was then becoming a touristic attraction in the late 16th century. Domenico Fontana made long arrow streets wide enough for carriages and pedestrians on seperate roads.
Thomas Church
He created traditional-style gardens, aesthetically pleasing and satisfying. Patterns ans textures of his pavings unite hard and soft surfaces.
Humphrey Repton
He loved to demonstrate to clients the before and after effects. He had a more democratic and all-encompassing view of landscape. Landscape design was for him social responsibility. Humphrey formulated three principles: Unity, Harmony, Variety.
He believed that through human intellect one could master and guide nature to its own will. The principle of Resextensa, wide finite extension of the universe.
Goethe was part of the literary movement Storm $ Stress. A Volksgarten was intended as place where everyone were. He sought a middle way between classicism and romanticism.
He educated people to a sentimental equality in their appreciation and enjoyment of beauty. Started citizen initiatives. He changed the picturesque of Loudon & Repton into US idiom.
John Claudius Loudon
He thought as a metropolitan planner and believed that utilitarian engineering were a much nobler monuments. He also acknowledge landscape as nature, art and science. He was a scientific farmer and educator.
John Locke
John believed that the mind is an instrument for inductive seasoning and personal experience. The garden is a place for reflection and contemplation, a painterly and poetic nature.
Ian McHarg
Earth is source of life: natural ecosystems, vertical relations and level of density. This formed the basis for his layer approach to analyze the landscape.
Haussmann was the chief urban planner of paris. His big overhaul enabled trucks and trains to come and go to conduct trade. He maked the city efficient and agreeable by the middle class. Tall windows open to the street should connect the space. His first goal was to establish movement in and around through through architectural space.
Olmsted-Vaux landscape
things that defines this type of landscape are: spacious meadows with gentle rises and scattered clumps of trees arranged about its periphery, to create the illusion of rural scenery.
William Wordsworth
He embraced the romantic movement. Simplicity, the purity of response and the innocent wonder of childhood is important. Feeling is all. Genius Loci.
King Louis XIV
true authoritarian order. Versailles was his home with a lot of dance, music and theater. new dignity and status. the symbol of the glory of monarchy.
Capability Brown
Brown used linearity of ground plane edges combined with rounded topographic modeling. loved to remove all obstacles and made gaps in his screens of foliage. His routes are not thematic.
Le Notre
was educated in cartesian rationality of geometry, perspective and optics. Created Versailles world embracing landscape.
Thomas Jefferson
He was the most informed and original practioneer of the picturesque in the 18th century in the US. believed in enlightment.
Alexander Pope
popular poet for the way he described landscape and their designs. he is responsible for turning English garden design in a different direction.
He created privacy gardens for the middle class. Liked the beaux-arts and was the foremost modernist in America. he was shaping space.
His belief transferred the landscape design from literary & political into patriotic and personal. The picturesque was the appropriate design idion for 19th century cementaries.
John Ruskin
He was a principal spokesman who denied the beneficence of Victorian industrial progress. He articulated fundamental principles of the arts & craft movement. He was also a strong proponent of medievalism.
Ebenezer Howard
He made a diagrammatical model for the Garden City. Layout for new towns which are part of an interconnected network of population centers.