Landlord And Tenant L3 Flashcards
What are commercial leases governed by?
Landlord and Tennant Act 1954
What is the definition of a business tenancy?
Section 23
The definition in effect states that the business is for a business I.e not for residential/agricultural.
The tenant must be in occupation at the end of the lease, otherwise the tenant does not have security of tenure. So a tenant not in occupation may not have rights of renewal.
Heads of terms (12)
Names and address - landlord and tenant
Demise - area of unit, outside space (parking/garden/communal area) rights of way, often a map
Rent (and discussed payment period)
Length of term - often between 5 to 15 years
Repairs - FRI/IRI
Alienation - sublet/assignment + terms of this arrangement
User clause - I.e dairy manufacturers/planning use B2 & B8 generally
Service charge
Legal costs - usually both parties to bear their own legal costs - unless L is in a strong negotiation position
What are the repairing liabilities?
FRI - Fully Repairing and Insuring
IRI - Internal Repair and Insuring
What section is contracting out and what is it now known as?
Now known as a “Health Warning Notice”, previously a section 38.
This allows the L to contract out of the LTA54 - allowing the lease to be determined without the tenant’s security of tenure.
Should serve 14 days before new lease.
What is a AGA?
Authorised Guarantee Agreement
Original tenant can be liable when assignee then assigns to somebody else.
What is a Section 27 Notice?
Under the LTA 1954 a tenant can serve a section 27 notice to bring the tenancy to an end.
What is a Section 25 Notice?
A Notice serviced by the landlord on the tenant to either terminate the tenancy or offer a new tenancy on different terms.
If a landlord wishes to terminate a tenancy under a Section 25 Notice, on what grounds can they oppose a new lease?
The Section 30 grounds, failure to repair, persistent delay in paying rent, substantial breach of other obligations, alternative accommodation, subletting of part, where higher rent be obtained by single letting of whole, landlords’ intention to demolish or reconstruct which cannot reasonably be done without obtaining possession, landlords’ intention to occupy the holding for their own business / residence.
What is a Section 26 Notice and how should it be served (and in what notice period?)
A tenant may initiate a Section 26 Notice to request a new tenancy. Service needs to be in a form prescribed by the Court. Form needs to be submitted between 12 to 6 months of the tenancy coming to an end.
How should a Section 27 Notice be served?
There is no prescribed form of Section 27 Notice.
What two ways can you contract out of the 1954 Act?
Statutory declaration or simple declaration.
What is the difference between a lease and a licence?
A lease is a right to exclusively occupy premises, a licence is right to use premises.
What is a Calderbank letter?
A Calderbank letter is an offer of agreement between parties to achieve resolution without costly fee escalation.
What needs to be included in a Section 25 Notice?
Name and address of Landlord and tenant, address of the property, notice of the date to end tenancy (a hostile or friendly notice), confirmation whether a new lease is to be opposed or granted, confirmation of date when response is required, proposals for new tenancy, if hostile notice grounds for opposition must be included, strong recommendation to seek professional advice.
What are the implications of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1995?
Abolishes privity of contract and brings in AGA (authorised Guarantee Agreement). Section 17 needs to be served within 6 months.
What are the key documents relating to Landlord and Tenant matters?
Sections 24-28 of The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954,
Landlord and Tenant Act 1927,
Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995,
Landlord and Tenant Act 1988,
Law of Property Act 1925,
RICS Code for Leasing
Business Premises Professional Statement,
Leasehold Property Repairs Act 1938.