Landing Gear & Brakes Flashcards
How is the Langing Gear Controled and Acutated.
Electrically Controled, Hydraulically Activated.
Describe the Main Landing Gear
- Powered by the #2 HYD SYS
- Indicated by the LG Advisory Lights, Alternate Downlock Advisory Lights, and indirectly by an Anti-Skid Test.
- Controlled with the LG Lever.
- Equipped with Dual Wheels and Dual Anti-Skid Multiple Disc Brakes.
- Extend Forward and Retract Aft
- Two doors - the Forward Door is mechanically linked to the Strut, and the Aft Doors are Automatically Hydraulically Sequenced.
- ## There are two downlock pins per Main Gear - one for the gear, and one for the aft door.
Describe the Nose Gear
- Controlled by the Gear Handle.
- Extends Aft, and retract Forward.
- Equipped with Hydraulic Steering (#2 SYS)
- Aft doors are mechanically linked to the NG Strut, and the Forward Doors are automatically sequenced hyraulically.
- Integral Gear Downlock located on left side of fuselage.
When will the Gear Warning Tone sound?
Generally, when the gear is not down and locked with the aircraft in a landing configuration.
Specifically, when the LG is NOT down and locked and:
- Flaps are greater than 8.5 degrees with either engine torque less than 50% and either Power Lever aft of DETENT, or
- Airspeed less than 156 KIAS with both Power Levers near FLIGHT IDLE.
What is one reason the LDG GEAR INOP Caution Light might be illuminated?
A failure of the Hydraulic Sequencing Valve on any gear door.
When will the Pilot perform an Alternate Landing Gear Extension?
When the LNDG GEAR INOP Caution Light illuminates, the Landing Gear Indication Fails, or there is a loss of #2 Hydraulic Fluid.
What does the LG INHIBIT Switch do?
It disables the electrical command sent to the LG solenoid for normal extension when the LG Select Handle is moved. The LG Select Handle can then be moved without gear activation.
What does opening the MAIN LANDING GEAR ALTERNATE RELEASE door do?
- Mechanically opens a bypass valve in the Main LG HYD SYS, releasing #2 HYD PRESS from the LG UPLOCKS.
- Allows access to the MAIN LG RELEASE handle.
What does pulling the MAIN LG RELEASE Handle do?
The first portion of the tug relaese the Main LG Doors, and the second portion of the tug mechanically releases the Main LG Uplock, allowing the LG to freefall. they may not fully extend.
What does opening the LG ALT EXT Doors, located on the Flight Deck Floor, do?
- Mechanically “¿closes?” (system description in LG & Brakes Chapter says “open,” but diagram in hydraulic section and common sense says “closes”) the MLG Alternate Selector Valve, allowing you to hand-pump the gear down.
- Allows access to Alt Ext Hand-pump, the NOSE LG RELEASE handle, and the alternate downlock verification light system.
Once selected ON, when is the Anti-Skid Sys operational?
When Main Gear Wheel Speed is greater that 10 kts.
When is the Main Brake Sys deactivated?
When the PSEU receives a weight-off-wheels signal, and the MLG are up and locked, until touchdown and MLG Wheel Speed is 35 kts or 5 secs after WOWs.
How is the Normal Brake System Powered?
The #1 HYD SYS powers the Anti-Skid and Normal Brake Systems.
How is the E/Parking Brake System powered?
The #2 HYD SYS powers the E/Parking Brake.
How does the E/Parking Brake opperate after the #2 HYD SYS is depressurized?
An accumulator maintains pressure to the parking brake after engine shutdown / #2 HYD SYS depressurization and is sufficient for approximately six applications.
What is the Minimum Indicated Parking Brake Pressure prior to starting the #2 Engine first? #1 Engine first?
500 psi and 1000 psi respectively.
Does the EMERG BRAKE have differential or anti-skid braking capabilities?
Which HYD SYS powers the nosewheel steering?
What are the steering limits for the tiller and the rudders?
70 degrees and 8 degrees, respectively.
When will the nose wheel revert to a passive, shimmy-dampened, free-castoring mode?
- Nosewheel angle exceeds 70 degrees.
- The SCU (Steering Control Unit) fails.
- The STEERING Switch is selected OFF
- Following a Manual Landing Gear Extension
How far will the nose wheel rotate in passive, shimmy-dampened, free-castoring mode?
120 degrees.