Land Registration System Flashcards
Provision listing ‘triggering events’
Land Registration Act s 46(1) S - Sale M - Mortgage S - Subdivision Q - 'Quieting of titles act' C - Condominium
Provision listing interests to be registered
Land Registration Act s 17(1)
F - Fee Simple
L - Life Estate
I - Interests of the crown
Provision listing ‘mirror’ principle
Land Registration Act s 20
- provision establishing the registry system is a perfect reflection of reality, with exceptions for certain qualifications
Provision listing ‘curtain’ principle
Land Registration act s 45
- no need to look up 40 years, except certain interests
Provision listing ‘assurance’ principle
Land Registration act s 85
- if you suffer loss because of an error in the system, you can sue the governement
Provision listing responsibility of lawyer
Land Registration act s 85 …
- s (1) lawyer must provide ‘certificate of legal effect’
- s (4) registrar can sue lawyer within 10 years of bad certificate
Land Registration Act s 46(1)
5 'triggering events': S - Sale M - Mortgage S - Subdivision Q - 'Quieting of titles act' C - Condominium
Land Registration Act s 17(1)
List of 3 Interests that must be registered
F - Fee Simple
L - Life Estate
I - Interests of the Crown
Land Registration Act s 20
“Mirror” provision
- system is reflection of reality, with certain exceptions
Land Registration Act s 45
“Curtain” principle
- no need to look up 40 year history, except certain qualifications
Land Registration Act s 85
“Asurrance” provision
- if you suffer loss because of an error in registration you can sue the gov’t
s (1) lawyer must provide ‘certificate of legal effect
s (4) gov’t can sue the lawyer for negligent certificate (10 year limitation period)
Six qualities of adverse possession (authority and list)
(McInnes) A - Adverse O - Open C - Continuous P - Peaveful E - Exclusive A - Actual
Case fleshing out meaning of ‘continuous’ in adverse possession
- requires continuous possession, not occupation
- doesn’t always have to be the same possessor: now possessors can ‘tack on’ to establish timeline
Provision establishing 20-year rule
Land Registration Act 74(1)
Provision establishing 10-year registration of adverse possession rule
Land Registration Act 74(2)