Land Battles- Western Front Flashcards
Battle of Ypres: Date
April 1915
Battle of Ypres: Details
First taste of trench warfare for Canadian troops
Chlorine gas was used
Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae published “In Flanders Fields”
Battle of Verdun: Date
February 1916
Battle of Verdun: Details
Germany attacked the French, lasted 6 months.
Huge casualties for the French (500,000 men)
Battle of attrition
French supposedly never recovered psychologically
Battle of Somme: Date
July 1916
Battle of Somme: Details
Allied commanders attempted and failed to end trench warfare by attacking German trenches
20,000 Canadians were killed
Newfoundland Regiment suffered 90% casualties
5 months long, only a few miles of land had been gained
Battle of Somme: Why it was a disaster
Allies’ shells were too weak to penetrate German concrete bunkers
Underground explosions did not dislodge the wire protecting German trenches, resulting in Allied troops becoming trapped
Allied troops were overloaded
Nearby mine was detonated 10 minutes before attack, causing loss of surprise
Broad daylight
Attack continued regardless of casualties
23 Canadian men who were executed
Battle of Vimy Ridge: Date
April 1917
Battle of Vimy Ridge: Details
October 1914, Vimy Ridge fell into the hands of the Germans- the ridge was an important fortress
April 1917, Canadian troops attacked the Germans and were able to obtain the fortress (there were casualties but it was a turning point for Canadian independence)
Arthur Currie also replaced Byng
Battle of Passchendaele: Date
October 1917
Battle of Passchendaele: Details
Kind of pointless because there were so many losses
Allied advances were bogged down in the mud, Canadian troops were asked to attack the Germans