Land and Site Valuation Flashcards
1 of 51 Which of the following improvements is considered an onsite improvement?
Utility hookups
2 of 51While appraising two adjacent properties to be refinanced, the appraiser realizes that the same party owns both parcels. The appraiser understands that the total value may be greater if the two adjacent parcels were joined to make one large parcel, rather than appraising them individually and adding the separate values together. What concept is the appraiser considering?
3 of 51Contiguous
Connected to or touching along an unbroken boundary.
4 of 51Steve is using the cost approach and does not have access to any good vacant land sales. What is it called if Steve simply uses comparable improved properties and establishes a ratio of their original land value to their present value?
Extraction method
5 of 51Which of the following may be used to privately control the use of land?
Deed restrictions
6 of 51Why should an appraiser consider the shape of the subject property and the sale of each comparable?
An irregular-shaped lot could have less value since it is more difficult to develop and use.
7 of 51Subdivision
A tract of land that has been divided into lots or blocks with streets, roadways, open areas, and other facilities appropriate to its development as residential, commercial, or industrial sites. A residential development that is created from a piece of land which has been subdivided into individual lots.
8 of 51Buffer Zone
A segment of land between two disparate municipal zones which acts as a shield to keep one zone from encroaching upon the other. Often used to separate residential districts from commercial areas.
9 of 51Which technique for determining land value requires an appraiser to deduct the net income applicable to the building from the total net income, and then capitalize the remainder and attribute the result to the land?
Land residual
10 of 51Scott is appraising some vacant land with development potential. Scott found some comparables of land in the subject’s market: Lot 89 = 30,000 square feet sold for $489,000; Lot 21 = 12,000 square feet sold for $177,000; and Lot 821 = 41,000 square feet sold for $986,000; and Lot 217 = 20,100 square feet sold for $326,700. Which comparable has the highest dollar per square foot value?
Lot 821
11 of 51The subject site is described: Beginning at a point 500 feet east of the northwest corner of Section 23, Township 23NR5E of the Third Principal Meridian, then: 200 feet north; 100 feet east; and southwesterly back to the point of beginning. What is the shape? What is the area?
Triangular; .23 acres
12 of 51Extraction
- A method of estimating value in which the depreciated cost of the improvements on the improved property is calculated and deducted from the total sale price to arrive at an estimated sale price for the land. 2. A method of deriving capitalization rates from property sales when the sale price and net operating income are known.
13 of 51What is the process to determine land residual?
Net operating income attributable to the land is capitalized at market rates to obtain land value.
14 of 51Excess Land
Land that is not needed to serve or support the existing improvement. Highest and best use of the excess land may or may not be the same as the highest and best use of the improved parcel. Excess land may have the potential to be sold separately and is valued separately. See also surplus land.
15 of 51The subject site is 25’ x 125’, rectangular, flat topography, zoned residential. The site is currently unimprove Similar lots in the neighborhood sell for $50,000. The site is adjacent to a landfill that is cappe The poor location reduces site value 25%. What is the external obsolescence indicated for the subject site?
16 of 51When land value is estimated by deducting the depreciated cost of improvements on a property from the total sale price of the property, this is known as
17 of 51Site Improvements
Improvements on and off the site that make it suitable for its intended use or development. On-site improvements include grading, landscaping, paving, and utility hookups; off-site improvements include streets, curbs, sidewalks, drains, and connecting utility lines.
18 of 51Conservation Easement
An interest in real property restricting future land-use to preservation, conservation, wildlife habitat, or some combination of those uses. A conservation easement may permit farming, timber harvesting, or other uses of a world nature to continue, subject to the easement. In some locations a conservation easement may be referred to as a conservation restriction. As differentiated from a preservation easement.
19 of 51Frontage
The segment of a property that runs along a point of access, such as a street or waterfront.
20 of 51When developing an opinion of site value of an improved property, an appraiser must value the site as if it is:
vacant and available for development to its highest and best use.