Lagos Flashcards
20 million
Coastal city in Western Africa
6 challenges
-Ultra poor areas still lack education facilities
-Slum areas such as makoko have high crime rates
-40 % of workers are in the informal economy (unregulated, low job security, doesn’t pay tax - cash in hand-)
-only 1% of households are connected to sewers
-high air pollution
-Traffic is a growing issue
5 opportunities
-2500 secondary schools and 11200 primary schools meaning 98% of children have access to education
-better healthcare enabled life expectancy to rise from 38 to 54
-GDP of $90 billion per year meaning it is 7th largest economy in all off Africa if it was a country
-well connected in global trade due to large ports and major international airport
-80% of all flights to Western Africa land in Lagos
Planning solution
Flotation sustainable school.
-100 pupils
-simple to build and maintain
-reduces cost of education and increase accessability for poorest places such as makoko