Lady Macbeth Flashcards
witness far greater strengths of will then her:
“dearest partner in greatness”
demonstrates an intimate understanding of her husband and his potential to achieve:
“the golden round”
Lady Macbeth remarks that Macbeth is:
“too full of the milk of human kindness”
seeks to replace her femininity with evil, praying to the “ “ to “ “ her and to fill her with “ “
“spirits” “unsex” “the direst cruelty”
employs her strongest weapon, the
“valour of tongue”
to persuade her:
“dearest love”
she will “ “ and guide him towards regicide
“pour spirit into ear”
incessantly berates him on his sole insecurity, his masculinity:
“when you durst do it then you were a man”
on the night of:
“the bloody business”
says she would “ “ of a baby
“dash’d the brains out”
keeping a promise:
“had I sworn as you have to this”
attempt to combat the darkness of fate she has brought upon herself:
“she has light by her continually”
eternal blood stain:
“will these hands n’er be clean”
Arabia quote
“all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand”
doctors conclusion:
“unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles”
Lady Macbeth tells her husband to:
“look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t”
says that he would be
“would Be so much more the man”
reaction to Duncan’s murder
“Yet who would have the thought the old man to have so much blood in him?”