comparative (relationships) Flashcards
Room is only a small _______ of the world
“stinky piece”
Ma persuades Jack that they must break out:
“we have to get out of here”
Ma tells Jack that they can ____________ now that they’re free
“do anything now”
Jack wants to go back to Room because he has
“seen the world”
The television was done purely for:
“Jack’s college fund”
Ma’s drug overdose
“never more than two, that’s the rule, how could they be mostly empty, where did the pills go?
the interviewer points out that Jack:
“needed a wider world”
the world Ma could give Jack:
“grew narrower” as he grew
Ma thought she raised Jack well
“I did a pretty good job raising Jack”
Jack calling for help after finding Ma
“Ma did a vomit”
Torvald treating Nora as a child:
“those are big words for my little Nora to use!”
Torvald’s selfishness:
“I am saved Nora, I am saved!”
Torvald’s reaction to Nora refusing to sleep with him
“You won’t - you won’t? Am I not your husband?”
Torvald’s angry reaction to Krogstad exposing Nora:
“she was my joy and pride- a hypocrite, a liar - worse, worse - a criminal! Oh, the hideousness of it! Shame on you, shame!”
Torvald can only think of himself and how Nora’s reaction will affect his actons:
“I am condemned to humiliation and ruin simply for the weakness of a woman”
Torvald and Nora must:
“appear to be living together just as before”
Nora realises that Torvald isn’t the man she thought she married:
“I realised you weren’t the man I’d thought you to be”
realisation of what her marriage is:
“you never loved me. You just thought it was fun to be in love with me”
Nora sees that she has been married to a ________
Nora leaves her family:
I’m leaving you now, at once”
Nora must stand:
“own two feet”
Rick wonders why Ilsa walked into his cafe
“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world”
Rick questions if she left him for Laszlo or if there was:
“others in between”
Rick tells Ilsa that they will:
“always have Paris”.
Their love triangle doesn’t amount to:
“a hill of beans”
Rick and Ilsa must part ways for the greater good:
“Each of us has a destiny, for good or for evil”