Lady Luncheon Club Flashcards
Angelou conveys her…
experiences and observations of the social hierarchy present in the 20th century.
In the poem, Angelou portrays the social event as…
a gathering of wealthy people evoking their false altruism, expressing their patriarchal views through a patronising appearance.
The speaker is…
Critiquing social norms and manners through a satirical, mocking tone
5 Key themes explored
- privilege
- ignorance
- wealth and poverty
- superficial
- stereotypes / gender roles
Contextually, as Angelou became…
More successful in her career, she was able to move up the social hierarchy.
The satirical mocking may represent her dislike and discontent with the differences in living standards between the class distinctions
“Our woman checked her golden watch”
Angelou illustrates the dismissive attitudes the woman has and her disinterest in the man´s lecture.
(+ D.I)
The verb conveys the woman´s impatience, and desire for time to pass. Represents the woman´s distance from the world of the lecturer and real life events.
D.I. : Emphasises the woman´s privilege and her self-centred approach to life / pre-occupied with her own life.
Universal message of “Our woman checked her golden watch”
Indicates the bubble created by the wealthy as they are more fascinated in materialistic things, rather than the cruel and harsh realities of the less privileged and the forgotten members of the lower class.
The adjective, “Golden”, re-enforces…
the women´s status in the hierarchy and her luxurious life-style.
D.I. of “golden”
The woman is more worried upon the appearance of the watch, rather than the actual function.
This further conveys that the upper class do not need to worry about having possessions; Their primary concerns are staying up to date with the latest fashion trends.
“Golden” links to the lexical field of wealth in the lexical choices, “Petty cash account”, “Plane” and “Served”…
which portrays the importance they give upon wealth and value as it would determine their ability to show off (?)
Whilst the upper class women are at home with their “dessert served”, the lower class are searching…
For any job that will give them income. This is seen in the imagery of the line, “The jobless streets”
“The jobless streets” links to the metaphor, “Mornings promise no bright relief”
The metaphor connotes the endless struggle the black community goes through in order to find a job.
And their frustration is communicated in the end stop portraying their agitation and frustration.
“…no bright relief”
Symbolises their lack of new beginnings.
Echoes the sympathy and pathos for the unjust way of life of the lower class
“The times are grave”
Angelou gives voice to women
The irony of a serious tone produced by the adjective “Grave”, further highlights the women´s futile attempts at…
being charitable, appearing sympathetic and approaching real life issues in a delicate manner, highlighting their hypocrisy and ignorance
Angelou implies that being in the upper class, you are…
“immune” to adversities and hardships.
Deeper implications of “Grave”
Irritation and agitation towards the visitor and the woman
“The speaker has a plane to catch”
Overview of the upper classes’ worries and concerns, disregarding real life events such as “Youthful rape / And death at ten”
The verb “has”, portrays the careless attitudes of the man and the…
luxury and opportunities he has - their preposterous lifestyles. He has other priorities such as catching a plane.
“death” and “Rape” contextually link to…
Angelou´s childhood trauma
“He summons up / sincerity”
Doesn´t truly feel sympathy or compassion towards the victims
Only does it to present himself as caring and thoughtful
Angelou unveils the upper classes’ superficial façade
“A man was needed who would make them think”
Stereotypical role of men
The indefinite article, “A”, suggests that the women…
do not care about the qualifications the man may have as long as he is a man.
(This is because they want to keep their appearance.)
(link to poem)
The modal auxiliary verb portrays how men are seen as providers whilst women are dependent of them.
“Country lover” -> “Anybody´s lover”
“Anybody´s lover” from Country lover
Implies that women are only seen as properties and belongings.
Women are always reliant on men.
“Arms akimbo”
(+ alternative)
Imagery of a man adopting a domineering stance, comes across as quite superior. This may indicate his lack of interest for topics that do not directly impact him. Such as, crimes and the daily struggles of the lower class.
It may symbolise his boredom amongst unintelligent women
Male dominating society
2 couplets are…
the woman´s interior thoughts. These couplets interlace throughout the poem which interrupts the natural flow and pace of the rhythm.
And, it frames the readers perception of the event through the use of parenthesis