Labyrinthitis Flashcards
What are the clinical features of labyrinthitis?
- *Sudden onset vertigo lasting ≥ 1day (most pronounced symptom)
- SNHL (vertigo w/o SNHL = vestibular neuronitis)
- +/- otalgia, otorrhoea, fever
- W/o neuro impairment
What are the signs of labyrinthitits?
- Nystagmus (similar to vestibular neuronitis)
- Ear exam: NAD (no appreciable disease) or may have mastoidits, middle ear disease, vesicles
- Neuro exam: NAD or may have evidence of infection (e.g. meningitis)
What are the investigations done for labyrinthitis?
PTA: unilat SNHL
MRI brain TRO r/o CVA (stroke), acoustic neuroma, brain abscess
+/- CT temporal bone 🡪 otomastoiditis, cholesteatoma, adjacent brain/meningeal involvement
+/- Videonystagmography (VNG) 🡪 reduction in caloric response
How can labyrinthitis be managed?
General: Supportive care - vestibular suppressants/ vestibular sedatives (e.g. prochlorperazine) and vestibular rehabilitation (e.g. Cooksey-Cawthorne exercises)
If bacterial labyrinthitis, w/ mastoiditis:
- IV antibiotics
- +/- myringotomy and grommet tube
- +/- mastoidectomy to drain abscess or cholesteatoma (if present)
Early Tx w steroids (w/in 1/12), poor response if steroids started later than 1/12 from 1st episode.
If brain involvement 🡪 Refer to neurosurgery