Labs 7-11 Flashcards
describes a major type of water body on the earth in which water can enter and exit from, usually to or from a different type of neighboring reservoir
hydrologic cycle
an image that shows how water exchanges between reservoirs
types of reservoirs
oceans ice caps & glaciers ground water lakes soil moisture atmosphere streams/rivers biosphere
largest of earth’s water reservoirs (2/3); 5 oceans
ice caps & glaciers
frozen reservoirs of earth; water in the form of glacial ice
water that resides and moves under the surface of the earth, mostly in pores or cracks of rock or sediment
occurs when groundwater table intersects the land surface; basically, its just the top view of the groundwater table
soil moisture
water held in the open pore space withing the earth’s soils; eventually infiltrates to the zone of saturation and becomes groundwater
layer of a mixture of gases (air) that surrounds the earth; water vapor = water as a gas
water that flows in a channel
all living things on earth
great lakes
largest supply of freshwater in the world; 5
describes HOW data (set of data) changes over time; it is described both by how much the data varies and by what time frame it fluctuates over; described as regular or irregular
trends can be increasing or decreasing
water found within the open spaces of soil, sedicment, and rock below the earth’s surface
zone of aeration
region of the subsurface above the water table; zone where pore space contains both water and air; aka unsaturated zone
zone of saturation
region of the subsurface below the water table; zone where pore space is completely filled with groundwater
groundwater table
boundary, approximately parallel to the earth’s surface, that separates the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation; represents top surface of the saturated zone
a subsurface sediment or rock through which ground water can flow easily; distringuished by their ability to be used as an economic resource (drinking water, irrigation…)
ground water wells
see prelab
contour lines
used to estimate continuous values over an area using data thatis only available at discreet locations within that area
examples of using contour lines
weather - weather data is collected at specific weather stations, yet we know that weather occurs continuously across the earth’s surface (use contour maps to represent the range in weather values across the entire surface area b/t stations)
contour interval
contour lines are always drawn at a regular interval; difference b/t two adjacent contour lines
contour lines spaced closer together
steeper slode
wide spacing b/t contour lines
gradual slope
concentric closed contours
denote hilltop or summit
contour that is a circle with hachure marks
depict a closed depression like a hole
contour lines and v-shaped pattern
the point shows upstream; they will occur in pairs on opposite sides of a valley