Labour and Delivery Flashcards
Risk factors for PPH
- previous PPH
- multiple pregnancy
- obesity
- macrosomic baby
- failure to progress in the second stage
- prolonged third stage
- pre-eclampsia
- placenta accreta
- retained placenta
- instrumental delivery
- GA
- episiotomy or perineal tear
- maternal bleeding disorder
Causes of PPH
4 T's Tone Trauma Tissue Thrombin
How can you reduce the risk of PPH?
- labour with an empty bladder (full bladder reduced uterine contraction)
- active management of the third stage (IM oxytocin)
- IV TXA for high risk c-sections
How can you reduce the consequences of PPH?
treat anaemia during the antenatal period
How is PPH defined?
- bleeding after delivery of the pregnancy and the placenta which is >500ml in a vaginal delivery or >1000ml in a section
How can PPH be classified?
By volume:
- minor <1000ml
- major 1000ml-2000ml
- severe >2000ml
By time:
- primary if within 24hr of birth
- secondary if between 24hrs and 12 weeks postpartum
What is the initial management of PPH?
- resuscitation with an ABCDE approach
- lie the lady flat and keep her warm
- communicate well with mum and her birthing partner
- insert 2 large-bore cannulas (grey/orange)
- take bloods: FBC, U&E, clotting screen, crossmatch 4 units
- warmed fluids / blood product resus as required
- O2 regardless of sats
- FFP if clotting abnormal or after 4 units transfused
- activate major haemorrhage protocol if severe
What are the mechanical interventions available for PPH?
- rubbing the uterus through the abdomen
- bimanual uterine compression
- catheterisation
What are the medical interventions available for PPH?
- oxytocin infusion
- ergometrine IV or IM
- carboprost IM (caution in asthma)
- misoprostol sublingual
What are the surgical interventions available for PPH?
- intrauterine balloon tamponade
- B-Lynch suture
- uterine artery ligation
- hysterectomy
What are the most likely causes of secondary PPH and their management?
- RPOC: evacuation
- infection: antibiotics
What initial investigations are indicated for secondary PPH?
- USS to look for RPOC
- endocervical and high vaginal swabs for infection screen
What system is used to predict the success of an induction of labour?
Bishop Score
position (2) consistency (2) dilatation (3) effacement (3) station (3)
score of 8+ predicts successful IOL, lower scores suggest cervical ripening needed
What are the indications for induction of labour?
- post-maturity
- maternal health: obstetric cholestasis, GDM, hypertension
- foetal growth: IUGR, large for gestational age
- pre-labour rupture of membranes: >37 weeks expectant management up to 24hrs, <37 weeks give abx and delay ROM to 37 weeks if poss
- intrauterine foetal death
What are the potential complications of induction of labour?
- failure of induction
- uterine hyperstimulation (can be managed with tocolytics)
- cord prolapse (risk of hypoxia due to vasospasm (due to change in temp) or mechanical compression of the cord)
- infection (reduce risk by minimising VEs)
- pain (epidural often required)
- increased rate of assisted delivery compared to spontaneous labour
What is uterine hyperstimulation?
prolonged and frequent uterine contractions which can cause:
- foetal distress and compromise (hypoxia, acidosis)
- uterine rupture
- need for section
How is uterine hyperstimulation managed?
- remove/stop IOL drugs
- tocolysis with terbutaline
- deliver by section if refractory to treatment
How is uterine hyperstimulation generally defined?
- contractions >2 mins duration
- contractions >5:10
What are the requirements for an operative vaginal delivery (instrumental delivery)?
- cervix fully dilated
- head engaged (no more than 1/5 palpable)
- rupture of membranes
- known presentation, station and position (from VE)
- intermittent catheter / empty bladder
- mother consented
- adequate pain relief e.g. spinal, epidural, pudendal block
What are the indications for an elective c-section?
- placenta praveia
- breech at term
- multiple previous LSCS
- multiple pregnancy
- EFW >4.5kg
- previous 3rd / 4th degree tear
- maternal request persisting following discussion with two consultant obstetricians
What are the risk factors for pre-term delivery?
- previous pre-term delivery
- infection: UTi, chorioamnionitis
- maternal conditions: preeclampsia, DM, inflammatory conditions, BV
- multiple pregancy
- polyhydramnios
- social factors: smoking, alcohol, low BMI, drugs
- interval <1 year since previous delivery
What are the management options for term breech presentation?
- external cephalic version
- elective caesarean section
- vaginal breech delivery
What is shoulder dystocia?
impaction of the anterior shoulder on maternal pubic symphysis after delivery of the head
What are the risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
- previous shoulder dystocia
- macrosomia