Labour Flashcards
what happens during the first stage of labour?
early latent phase and an active phase
onset of regular painful contractions and cervical changes
…until full dilation and cervix is not palpable.
what happens in the early latent phase?
cervix becomes effaced, shortens in length and dilates up to 4cm
what happens in an active phase?
the cervix dilates from 4cm to full dilatation
what happens in the 2nd phase of labour?
full dilatation to delivery of the fetus
what happens in the 3rd phase of labours?
time between delivery of the fetus and delivery of the placenta
considered normal up to 30mins
what are the signs to indicate the separation of the placenta and membranes?
uterus contracts, hardens and rises
umbilical cord lengthens permanently
gush of blood variable in amount
placenta and membranes appears at introitus
when do you move from physiological management to active management for placental expulsion?
if there is excessive bleeding
failure to deliver the placenta within one hour
patient’s desire to shorten 3rd stage
when is delay in the 3rd stage diagnoses?
60 minutes of physiological management
30 minutes of active management
how much is the cervix expected to dilate in 4 hours during labour?
more than or equal to 2cm
what are uterotonic drugs?
uterine stimulants are medications given to cause a woman’s uterus to contract, or to increase the frequency and intensity of contractions
what are some examples of uterotonic drugs?
syntometrine (ergometrine and oxytocin)
what are Braxton Hicks contractions?
contractions which are believed to be the uterine muscles preparing for labour
the initiation of labour involves what changes to progesterone, oestrogen and prostaglandin action?
progesterone withdrawal
increases in oestrogen and prostaglandin action
what hormone initiates and sustains contractions?
what are the 7 cardinal movements?
engagement descent flexion internal rotation extension external rotation expulsion
how many women will achieve a normal delivery?
60% normal delivery
25% caesarean section
15% forceps
what are situations of abnormal labour?
malpresentation malposition (OP / OT) too early (<37wks) too late (>42wks) too painful too quick (<2hrs) too long fetal distress