Laboratory Assistant Skills Flashcards
Antibody screen
Test that checks for antibodies in the blood prior to transfusion
Agar plate
Lab dish with agar jelly like extract of red algae used to provide nourishment for the growth of organisms
Substance that prevents clotting of the blood
Substance that causes the body to produce antibodies; may be introduced to the body or formed in the body
Without urine; producing no urine
Blood smear
Drop of blood spread thinly on a slide for microscopic examination
Culture specimen
Sample of microorganism a or tissue cells taken from an area of the body for examination.
Differential count
Blood test that determines the percent of each kind of leukocyte (white blood cell)
Direct smear
A culture specimen placed on a slide for microscopic examination
Erythrocyte counts
Blood test that counts the number of red blood cells (normally 4 to 6 million per cubic millimeter of blood)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Blood test that determines the rate at which red blood cells settle out of the blood
Fasting blood sugar (FBS)
Blood test that measures blood serum levels of glucose (sugar) after a person has had nothing to eat or drink for a period of time
Most common type of sugar in the body
Presence of sugar in the urine
Gram’s Stain
Technique of staining organisms to identify specific types of bacteria identified