Labor and Delivery Flashcards
What is tachysystole?
Tachysystole - More than 5 contractions in 10 minutes, averaged over 30 minutes
What did the ARRIVE trial say in induction of labor re: timing of IOL?
Looked at women IOL at 39 vs 40 weeks, found that it did not reduce perinatal morbidity but DID reduce c-sections
What is an accel? Before 32 weeks, and after?
> 15 bpm for 15 sec, > 32 weeks
>10bpm for 10 sec , < 32 weeks
What counts as recurrent decels?
50% of contractions in 20 minute segment
What counts as a prolonged decel?
> 2 min
What is a cat I tracing?
moderate variability, accels present (or absent), and only early decels if any, NO lates/variables
What is a cat III tracing?
absent FHR variability and any of the following: recurrent late, recurrent variable, bradycardia, sinuosoidal pattern
What is a cat II tracing?
1) any tachy/brady in FHR baseline
2) minimal variability, absent variability w/o recurrent decels, marked baseline variability
3) absence of induced accels after fetal stim
4) Periodic or episodic decels; Recurrent variable decels; Prolonged decels > 2 min, < 10 min
How do we define arrest of second stage of labor?
W/o epidural: 3 hours for multips, 4 hours for nullips; w/ epidural - 2 hours for multips, 3 hours for nullips
How do we define arrest of first stage of labor?
- No cervical change for atleast 4 hours of adequate contractions
- OR no cervical change for 6 hours of inadequate contractions
What counts as a failed induction?
- Failure to generate regular contractions q3hmin 24 hours after oxytocin with ROM
- Atleast 12-18 hours of pitocin after ROM
What is the platelet threshold for epidurals/spinals typically?
epidurals/spinals can be considered same if platelets are 70K or above, as long as platelets are stable.
What is the difference between epidrual and spinal?
spinal - single dose, useful for c-sections, time-limited; epidurals can be redosed, useful for labor
Spinal - single-injection of an opioid, local anesthetic, or both into the subarachnoid space; usually used for cesarean delivery and not for labor because it usually has a limited time frame.
Epidural - placement of a catheter into the epidural space; can have repeat or continuous administration of medication; usually a mixture of an opioid with a local anesthetic.
If using anticoagulation, what do you need to think about re: epidural/spinal?
Timing of catheter placement and removal.
For Lovenox - for prophylactic dosing, stop it 12 hours before, resume 12 hours after; for therapeutic dosing, becomes 24 hours before, 4 hours after
What is the max dose of pitocin?
36 units. Starts at 1-2 units, can increase every by 1-2 u every 30 minutes.
How is placenta previa defined?
Defined as edge of placenta <10 mm from internal cervical os
What is the main presentation of placenta previa? Painful or painless bleeding?
Painless vaginal bleeding can occur up to 90% of persistent cases
10-20% of women present with uterine contractions, pain, and bleeding
What is SERIOUS/CANT MISS differential for 2nd/3rd trimester bleeding after 20 weeks?
placenta prevIa, vasa previa, placenta accreta, placental abruption, uterine rupture.
What is a cause of painful bleeding in 2nd/3rd trimester?
placental abription, uterine rupture, some times previa will also have pain
What is vasa previa?
when fetal vessels run within the membranes over the internal os of the cervix
What are LESS SERIOUS causes of 2nd/3rd trimester bleeding?
• Labor - “bloody show” with labor • Cervicitis • Can be caused by infection (ie. BV, candida infection, trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea) • Cervical polyp - Vaginal laceration
What are initial management steps for vaginal bleeding in 2nd/3rd trimester?
- Vital signs
- Two large bore IVs
- Resuscitation - fluids vs. blood products
- If there is less bleeding and you think you have more time:
- Blood type and Rh status - administer Rhogam if it is indicated
Management of placenta previa?
Monitoring (Certain locations may have a “threshold” for prolonged admission - ie. three strikes = three bleeds and admission for the rest of pregnancy )
If otherwise stable, can usually be delivered between 36w0d - 37w6d via c-section
Usually can have vaginal delivery if >2 cm from os, but some institutions may discuss if >1 cm