labelling theoruy Flashcards
labelling theory is associated with the concepts of self fulfilling prophecy and stereotyping
point 1
- from a symbolic interactionist perspective, becker argues that labelling causes deviance amplification, when someone is labelled, it becomes our master status, possibly leading to career criminals
- may lead to deliquent subcultures as those involved are marginalised from society due to said labels
evaluate = neglects power and social structure and therefore cannot explain why certain types of people are regularly and repeatedly identified as criminal or deviant
point 2
interactionist challenge the functionalist view that deviants formed a specific group of the population
instead they concentrate on the interactions involved in labelling someone as deviant and the reasons for why certain groups are more likely to be so then others
example= cicourel investigated interactions between law and potential deviants, found that police made a sense of decisions which were based on a personal set of meaning held by the participants, people were arrested based on factors such as appearence
evaluation= cicourel fails to explain where police gets their stereotype of a typical deviant
point 3
can relate to mertons strain theory or subcultures