Labelling as an explanation Flashcards
crime is a social construct
Two effects of labelling of deviants
creation of outsiders - those who dont follow social norms
expansion of law enforcement to tackle outsiders
who found that police decisions to arrest a youth is based on physical cues (manner and dress) and time/place - more likely to arrest at night
Pilivan and Briar
Negotiation of justice (focusing on certain types of people who they think are likely to offend) - built by media/personal experience
Primary and secondary deviance
Notting Hill Hippie Study - marijuana users (used to be peripheral but now more concentrated)
Jock Young
Ao3 for Notting Hill hippie - people choose whether to deviate further, not passive
Downes x Rock
What is the deviance amplification spiral?
crime control leads to further deviance
Folk devils and moral panics (crime control leads to further deviance)
Stanley Cohen
reintegrative and disintegrative shaming
how many offenders in Sex Offender Village?
Rosenhan Experiment
hearing voices - symptoms stopped but still labelled - treated as mentally ill
Institutionalisation - label often becomes Master Status - some adopt label, others resist