Lab Test #3 Flashcards
All living organisms require energy and the ultimate source of that energy is the what?
What producers are capable of capturing the sun’s energy and converting it into usable chemical energy for all other organisms
Plants, algae, and phytoplankton
What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis
6CO 2 plus 12H 2 O ——> C 6 H12 6O 2 plus 6H 2 0
What do the arrows indicate in photosynthesis
Light Energy and Chlorophyll
What is a series of chemical reactions occurring in chloroplasts that utilizes light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water to sugars and oxygen
Photosynthesis can be divided into two things, what are they?
Light-dependent reactions and light independent reactions
In this reaction, light is absorbed by chlorophyll and carotenoid molecules located in the chloroplast
Light-dependent Reaction
Name the reaction. Water molecules are split which provide electrons and protons to keep the process running
Light-dependent Reaction
Name the reaction. The energy excites electrons in the photosystems so that the electrons leave the photosystem and are transported within the membrane in a manner that uses some of the energy to make ATP from ADP.
Light-dependent Reaction
Name the reaction. Additionally, electrons and protons are combined with NADP to make NADPH at the end of the process.
Light-dependent Reaction
What are the end products of light-dependent reactions?
O2, ATP, NADPH, and water
In the light-dependent reaction, the (blank) diffuses out of the plant through the leaves and the (blank and blank) are used to power the light-independent reactions.
- O2
What must be present for a light dependent reaction to occur?
What is the liquid part between grana called?
In the light-independent reaction, (blank) enters into the leaf into the stroma of the chloroplast.
Name the reaction. The CO2 combines with RuBP to eventually form two three-carbon molecules of phosphoglyceric acid(PGA)
Light-independent reaction
Name the reaction. ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent reaction are used to reduce PGA to a three-carbon sugar called phosphoglyceraldehyde(PGAL)
Light-independent reaction
Name the reaction. Two PGAL molecules can then be used to make a six-carbon sugar such a glucose.
Light-independent reaction
Name the reaction. The glucose can be then turned into more complex carbohydrates like sucrose, starch, or cellulose, which can be stored as a source of energy for later use by the plant cells.
Light-independent reaction
What reactions can occur either in the presence of light or in the absence of it
Light-independent reaction
According to the overall equation of photosynthesis, what is a necessary substrate needed to drive the process
Carbon Dioxide
The following experiment will demonstrate the consumption of carbon dioxide by (blank), an aquatic plant, as it photosynthesizes
Phenol red is a pH indicator. What colors does it turn for neutral to basic solutions and acidic solutions
- Red for neutral to basic
- Yellow for acidic
What are the reactants/substrates in photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide, Water, Light Energy, and Chlorophyll
What are the end products of the light-dependent reactions?
O2, ATP, NADPH, and Water
What are the end products of photosynthesis?
Glucose, Water, and 02
What was the pH indicator used in the photosynthesis experiment?
Phenol red
Phenol red dropped into distilled water will produce what color?
Why did the test tube solution turn orange-yellow when you exhaled into it?
Because you’re putting carbon dioxide into it
What acid is produced by bubbling CO2 into H2O?
Carbonic Acid
Why did the solution turn back to a red/pink color after it was left with the Elodea stem for 10-20 minutes?
The carbon was used up in photosynthesis
Based on your observations, what is the relationship between light intensity and O2 production?
The more light, the more O2 is produced
How does light intensity affect the photosynthetic rate?
The more intense the light, the higher rate of photosynthesis
What were the purposes for using sodium bicarbonate?
It will provide a source for CO2 and acts as a buffer to absorb toxic materials
If a green-colored plastic Elodea stem were placed in water would it make bubbles?
No, there is no carbon in it to react and it doesn’t produce oxygen
What is the genetic material present in all living things, including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals
In what living thing is DNA found in any cell that has a nucleus, including muscle cells, skin cells, reproductive cells, white blood cells, and hair roots
DNA is not found in the (blank) of mammals, like humans, because they do not have nuclei
Red Blood Cells
The extraction of (blank) from cells and its purification are of primary importance to the fields of biotechnology and forensics
(Blank and blank) of DNA are the first steps in the analysis and manipulation of DNA that allow scientists to detect genetic disorders, produce DNA fingerprints of individuals, and even create genetically engineered organisms that can produce products such as insulin, antibiotics, and hormones
Extraction and Purification
DNA can be extracted from (blank) types of cells.
In extraction, what is the first step?
To lyse or break open the cell
After the cells have broken open what are added?
A salt solution such as NaCl and a solution containing a detergent such as SDS
In extraction, after the solutions have been added, these solutions break down and (blank) the phospholipids and proteins that make up a (blank)
- Emulsify
- Cell Membrane
Finally in extraction (blank) is added because DNA is soluble in water.
Is DNA water soluble?
What food did we use in the DNA isolation?
Split Peas
Which is less dense, alcohol or water?
Alcohol- so it floats on top
To which group of organic compounds does DNA belong?
Nucleic Acids
DNA is present in the cells of which of plants, fungi, animals, and bacteria, T or F
DNA is present in all cells that have a what?
Human (blank) have no DNA
Red Blood cells
(Blank) or isolation means separating one substrate from another.
(Blank) means splitting open the cells.
In your DNA extraction, what was the purpose of the detergent?
To break up or emulsify lipids and proteins
What was the purpose of the meat tenderizer?
To break down the proteins that are bound to DNA as part of chromatin
When isopropyl alcohol is added to your DNA sample, the DNA does what?
Precipitates and gradually floats to the top
DNA is not soluble in what?
What is a sex cell?
The same size letters.
Different size letters.
Various molecular forms for a trait
1 trait studied
2 traits studied
Many genes inherited. Examples: height, weight, etc.
Polygenic Inheritance
Physical outward appearance-what you see
The letters that represent the phenotype
Shorthand method for a genetic cross
Punnett Square
Parent generation
F-1 generations
1st generation from the parents
2nd generation from the parents
The study of the passage of characteristics from parents to offspring
When does the genetics occur?
Time of fertilization-when the gametes fuse
The fertilized egg contains (blank) from both parents
Genetic Information
Where is genetic information contained?
Where are chromosomes located?
Inside the nucleus of each cell
These chromosomes are found in (blank) and each pair is made up of (blank) chromosome from each parent
- Pair
- One
There have been over (blank) inherited traits described in humans and (blank) new ones are described each year.
- 2,550
- 75-100
This refers to traits that are determined by more than one pair of genes
Polygenic Inheritance
In a dihybrid cross, if both parents are heterozygous for both traits the genotypic and phenotypic ratios will be what?
Genotypic- 4:2:2:2:2:1:1:1:1
Phenotypic- 9:3:3:1
Within the human set of chromosomes are (blank) pairs of chromosomes, called (blank), and (blank) pair of sex chromosomes.
- 22
- Autosomes
- One
These (blank) chromosomes are responsible for determining the gender of the offspring and subsequent sexual maturation.
The two sex chromosomes are the (blank and blank) chromosomes.
X and Y
Which of the X and Y chromosomes are smaller?
If XX chromosomes are paired the result will be a what?
If an XY chromosomes are paired, the result will be a what?
In addition to determining gender, the (blank) chromosome contains genes that are responsible for the development of certain traits that are not associated with gender.
These traits, determined by the genes located on the X chromosome, are called what?
X-linked traits
In problems that have multiple alleles, the genes for a particular trait have more than (blank) possible alleles.
What are the three possible blood type alleles?
A, B, or O
Alleles (blank and blank) are codominant and (blank) is recessive to both A and B.
- A and B
- O
What are the four possible blood types?
Type A, Type B, Type AB, and Type O
Refers to an allele pair in which neither member is dominant.
Incomplete Dominance